Quality Book Reviews

by Helen Leung
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Here is another great book from one of our myspace authors.

Exposed is a story that will tug at your heart strings. This is a nice hard back book that is a quick read.

The story is that of the author’s, Helen Leung, and her disease known as Dermatomyositis, and Dermatomyositis is one of a group of acquired muscle diseases called inflammatory myopathies. The disease, which has a somewhat severe onset, affects both children and adults. Females are more often affected than males, Dermatomyositis is characterized by a rash accompanying, or more often, preceding muscle weakness. Eventually, people have difficulty rising from a sitting position, climbing stairs, lifting objects, or reaching overhead. In some cases, muscles further away from the trunk of the body may be affected later in the course of the disease. Problems with swallowing (dysphagia) may occur. Occasionally, the muscles ache and are tender to the touch. Affected individuals may also feel fatigue and discomfort and experience weight loss or a low-grade fever. (Being a nurse had to explain a little of the facts of the disease so you can come to an understanding of this disease and its effects).

The story begins while Helen is at a young age, she discusses her somewhat abusive family life, her illness, and her diagnosis and the hardship and struggles and the attempts to cure her. She visited many physicians both in New York and China. As the years pass Helen begins to accept her illness. She is very courageous and overcomes her disease, even though she spends the high school years confined to a wheelchair. She is strong and her will to overcome all that she faces is amazing, she talks of other students starring and whispering, but determined to be strong she uses all their stares and whispers to full fill her dreams and desires to succeed against it all.

I highly recommend this compelling read, and commend such a strong lady, both her and her book get 5 stars, and her story is an inspiration to us all.
Quality Book Reviews

Happy Birthday to Whooo?
by Doris Fisher
Illustrated by Lisa Downey
Sylvan Dell Publishing
976 Houston Northcutt Blvd., Ste. 3, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
ISBN: 978-0-9768823-1-2 $15.95
Reviewed by Terry South for Armchair Interviews

Happy Birthday to Whooo? A Baby Animal Riddle Book is designed for children ages 4 to 8, has a handsomely designed jacket displaying owls on the front cover and the back displays12 additional animals.

Doris Fisher effectively reaches her intended young audience. The book contains bold and vibrant images of illustrator Lisa Downey, the pages alternate with oil paintings of an animal family and a birth announcement. The birth announcements contain clues to the animal’s identity, offering facts of the weight and height and turn the page and you find more facts about the baby animal. The book contains riddles introducing 12 different animals and will engage and amuse the young reader. The book contains a section entitled “For Creative Minds” that everyone is sure to love, this section contains information about the animal families and fun facts about the 12 animals introduced in the birth announcements.

As for illustrator Lisa Downey, her page design is colorful, vivid and eye-friendly that transports the reader into the heart of the story.

You will find “Learning Links” and “Teaching Activities” on Sylvan Dell Publishing’s website that will help both teachers and parents expand the learning possibilities. The website is: www.SylvanDellPublishing.com

The book is addressed to children and young readers, but can be enjoyed by the entire family. The book will excite your children and they will want to read this one over and over again. As an added bonus in the back of the book there is a “Make Your Own Birth Announcement” great for a new baby in the family whether it be human or animal. I highly recommend this one and give it 5 stars!
Quality Book Reviews

Do You Know Why Butterflies Fly?
By Tom McWhirter
Art work by Mary Meade
Chupp Road Press
ISBN: 978-0-9761853-0-7
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

Do You Know Why Butterflies Fly? Is beautifully written, the hardback cover is amazing and with the movement of the book you can see the butterflies fly. The author Tom McWhirter has a great imagination and has produced a lovely children’s book for all to enjoy and treasure.

The story contains bold and vibrant imaginative images of illustrator Mary Meade, the art work is superbly done to ignite the imaginations of all. The story is for children of all ages and in the process is teaching children to have courage to face their fears and to have faith in themselves to change and become something much greater than they every imagined. It delivers the idea of not being afraid, to try new things and to pursue their dreams. The story is both engaging and amusing, although addressed to children and young readers, can be enjoyed by the entire family together.

The children’s book will appeal to both the young readers and their parents and will be a treasure to read together time and time again.

The author grew up in rural North Carolina, he had a country boy heart and soul, and his best friend was his imagination. His parents were concerned and gave him a stern lecture on his imagination and its proper place in reality. “Tom McWhirter took this discussion to heart and immediately shut down his imagination.” Years later he began a daily practice of meditation and rediscovered his imagination, and this book is full of his new re-found imagination.

I highly recommend this children’s book, it is a delight and a treasure to keep for generations to come.
Quality Book Reviews

This Year You Write Your Novel
by Walter Mosley
Little, Brown and Company
ISBN: 978-0-316-06541-2
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

I found this to be short and to the point, and a recommended read for those who are wanting to break into writing. And highly recommend for new writers who want a precise short read, but not for those who are already practicing the art of writing. There were several useful tips throughout. The basis of the book was of course to write and write every day, nothing new that I found.

There are 6 chapters the first dealing with writer needs, the second is elements of fiction, there is a chapter dedicated to editing which is all packed within 103 pages.
Quality Book Reviews

Future Syndicate
Edited by: J Alan Erwine
Nomadic Delirium Press, Denver, CO
ISBN: 1-4196-5459-4
Reviewed by: Terry South for Quality Book Reviews (03/07)

Future Syndicate is a collection of eight stories about how crime in the future may be.
The collection contains the following:
“An Ingenious Adventure” by Jason Sizemore
“The Gallows on the Garden Path” by Bret Tallman
“One to Spare” by Jason Andrew
“Running Down on a Thousand” by Rebecca SW Bates
“A Torturous Wrong Turn” by J Alan Erwine
“Cell” by Lavie Tidhar
“Mina’s Kiss” by Bruce Horner
“Face Dances” by Rebecca m Senese

Future Syndicate is an anthology and begins with “An Ingenious Adventure” by Jason Sizemore. In the story Garwin Hayes is a flash genius, he can remember information at a glance, and however he is not very bright or smart. Garwin and his friends attend a Chez Cola parade when one of the employees with Chez Cola shows up to destroy the secret recipe to the cola. In the mist of the scuffle the recipe flies through the air to land at Garwin’s feet and he picks it up and with him a flash genius he gets a glimpse of the recipe, everyone knows that he remembers things in a flash, so now the pursuit begins. Garwin and his friends try to escape but end up being chased, this is a highly entertaining story you will not want to miss.

“The Gallows on the Garden Path” by Bret Tallman is a tale of revenge. A family of brutal criminals known as The Cray’s, & with a character named Wallace “Pants” Zybisco, they set off to pull a heist to punish the man who had Cray’s surrogate father killed.

“One to Spare” by Jason Andrew involves a character named Race, she is a motorcycle courier. Through this short story takes you on a motorcycle chase as Race tries to deliver her package.

“Running Down on a Thousand” by Rebecca S.W. Bates is also about a courier. A time traveler or prophecy courier who delivers hallucinogenic payloads to provide the receiver with a message.

“A Torturous Wrong Turn” by J Alan Erwine This short story is about a smuggler who is caught and the government that has captured him wants his information.

“Cell” by Lavie Tidhar Monk is taken throughout the prison searching for relics and signs of an ancient civilization.

“Mina’s Kiss” by Bruce Horner This short story is based on Kovit Correto who is a professional assassin that reads the minds and memories of those he kills.

“Face Dances” by Rebecca M. Sense is the final story. This short has a character named Nick who is a burglar that can change his faces. Nick is offered a job due to his unique skill, and this job is one that he cannot refuse. For this job he is assigned a partner, Casey and she has the same gift as Nick.

I normally do not read short stories, but I did enjoy all of the stories above, they were a change from the norm for me and was a delightful change.
Quality Book Reviews

Deep Storm
by Lincoln Child
ISBN: 978-0-385-51550-4 $24.95
Reviewed by: Terry South for Quality Book Reviews (03/07)

Do you enjoy a intriguing techno-thriller? Are you a sci-fi fan? The setting is in an Exploratory and Recovery Facility sixty miles off the coast of Greenland and two miles below the Atlantic Ocean. The facility is a cutting-edge research station which is twelve decks high and is surrounded by a titanium dome. The name of the facility is Deep Storm, which was designed to excavate the remains of what was believed to be the ancient civilization of Atlantis, what will they really uncover?

Peter Crane is a former naval physician who has been summoned to the facility in order to contribute his unique expertise in diagnosing rare diseases. Crane is sent to investigate a mysterious disease which is attacking the crew, but first he must agree to the high secrecy before he boards the submarine and is off to the facility. The mysterious disease is affecting the crew/workers both physically and psychologically, the symptoms are diverse, which include nausea, irritability, slurred speech, disorientation, hallucinations and dangerous behaviors. So what began as an archeological dig of the century may end in disaster. As Crane begins to piece all the facts together, the base commander seems to continue to push ahead with the dig in spite of this disease, and to add to everything else that is happening there is someone out to sabotage it all.

Deep Storm is fast paced, suspenseful, and combines techno-thriller, action and adventure packed with espionage, murder, a mysterious disease and pure madness. Lincoln Child has created vivid detail and a suspenseful plot. The characters are well developed and interesting. The story begins a little slow but quickly picks up and you find yourself engaged and not wanting to put this one down. The author provides excellent twist and turns, red-herrings, and a cliff-hanger for an ending, which I am hoping will lead to a sequel as it seems to have left the door open. I have read all of Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston’s books, this was the first Lincoln Child solo that I have read, and I must admit I am hooked.

A highly recommended read, especially for all you sci-fi fans out there, enjoy.
Quality Book Reviews

A Dirty Business
by Joe Humphrey
Dakarma Publishing, New York, New York
ISBN: 978-0-9787871-0-3 $11.95
Reviewed by: Terry South for book pleasures (03/07)

Are you a crime novel enthusiast? A Dirty Business is the new debut crime novel written by Joe Humphrey, and a recommended read.

Upon recently returning to his home in New York City from the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Kevin Bailey finds himself both broke and with no where to live. Kevin Bailey has a degree in criminal justice and is in dire need of a job, his friend offers a referral, and Kevin gets a position with Frank Givens detective agency. Kevin is thrown into the agency with his new boss being bombarded and up to his neck with cases. Kevin’s boss decides to give him a test case to start with which is an easy assignment involving a New York City socialite. The woman wants someone to dig up the dirt on her son’s fiancée as the woman believes she is only marrying her son for his money. The clients name is Selena Eldritch, her belief and confidence in Kevin is low from the start based on his appearance, but she confides in him anyway.

Kevin is determined to show both his client and his new boss that he has what it takes to get the job done and done well at that. Selena provides Kevin with a photo of her son Edward Eldritch and his fiancée Donna Greenwood. Kevin begins his investigation and starts following Edward in which he finds takes him hours outside of Manhattan. Kevin follows Edward to Cold Spring which is a small historical village where Edward meets with a brunette. Kevin then follows both of them into a local tavern, where he then learns that the brunettes name is Donna Greenwood. So who is the blonde in the photo? Why does Selena believe the blonde to be Donna Greenwood? What painful truths lie ahead?

As Kevin begins to dig deeper into the case he discovers some very intriguing facts. Kevin finds that the blond has been missing for a couple of years and discovers that the police have even deserted the investigation into Norma Vidon’s disappearance. Kevin keeps digging and discovers some weird obsessions in play, and dead bodies begin turning up. What seemed in the beginning to be an easy ordinarily simple assignment has now turned into a complex assignment and enough of one for Kevin to really prove himself. What else with he uncover along this path?

There are plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout the entirety of the book. If you enjoy a touch of romance, mystery and suspense with your crime, you will love this debut novel. Joe Humphrey has a strong imaginative plot from start to finish, and has witty, memorable characters. A true page turner and a recommended read. I am in anticipation of the next one by Joe Humphrey.
Quality Book Reviews

by Nolene-Patricia Dougan
Author House 1163 Liberty Dr., Ste. 200, Bloomington, IN 47403 9/28/06
ISBN: 1-4208-8163-9

Do you love a good vampire story? Do you find yourself sucked into the tale? Love adventure of the dark side?

The setting takes place in historic Eastern Europe Transylvania.

The story begins as Vlad Dracula having fought a battle with his enemies, and a young girl’s curiosity ignites her. A historic vampire tale, occurring over a time span of five hundred years. The story follows the protagonist, Isabella, as a young vampire. Isabella is rebelling as her father rejects her; he is unable to overcome the loss of his wife while giving birth to their daughter Isabella. Isabella travels to the castle of Vlad Dracula, where Vlad develops strong feelings, and falls in love with her. What else would a vampire who is in love do? Vlad turns Isabella into a vampire, his mate for life. Do not be fooled this is not a loving match, it is the opposite, they have a long love-hate relationship, spending more time apart than together. Over time Isabella can no longer deny her love for Vlad and upon his demise she vows revenge and to bring his killers down with the help of Nicolae. Isabella and Nicolae leave America and travel back to England to bring down the English Vampire hunters and avenge Vlad’s death.

Isabella struggles with her guilt and makes a vow to only kill those who deserve to die. She never allows anyone to hinder her revenge against those who have wronged her throughout time. Over the centuries of her existence she meets many famous historical figures. She encounters such historical figures as Napoleon, Bram Stroker, to the western figures of Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp, as well as many other figures throughout the selected eras. She travels throughout Europe and America. Nolene-Patricia Dougan has performed vast research and the historical figures mentioned in her book are remarkable.

Vrolok is a compelling and gripping tale of a young beautiful vampire’s dark journey through the centuries. Vrolok has a strong plot throughout, and the characters are so well developed and intensely interesting. This is no traditional vampire story; you may think well the story involves Vlad Dracula, it is like all the other stories, it is so very different, do not be fooled. This is a superior spine tingling dark fantasy written be a very imaginative author, her work embraces hundreds of years of history and maintains vivid descriptions of various people, places and events.

This book will hold your attention to the very end, and you will find it is very difficult to put down, a definite page turner well until the late night. I could find no fault in this tale. I highly recommend this story, it is unlike any other vampire story I have ever read. So if you are looking for a different twist from the norm, are seeking a fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable read, look no further. All vampire enthusiasts as well as all Anne Rice fans will not want to miss this one, you will get lost in this adventure, and you will not be disappointed. I am looking forward to Dougan’s new release with anticipation. A definite 5 star read!
Quality Book Reviews

Murder Off the Books
by Evelyn David
Echelon Press Publishing
ISBN 13: 978-1-59080-522-0 $12.99
Reviewed by: Terry South for Quality Book Reviews (03/07)

A definite 5 star whodunit

Do you enjoy a mystery with suspense and a touch of humor? What about a loveable hound? And how do you like your murder mysteries? With a Whiskey Chaser? If so “Murder Off the Books” is for you, it has it all. This is the first in the Sullivan Investigation Mysteries, and with this writing duet, hopefully many more to follow.

Mac Sullivan is a private eye, and a former DC cop who frequently visits his friend’s funeral home in order to pick up whatever vehicle is available at the time so he can conduct his stake outs with his loveable Irish wolfhound Whiskey. Mac has used vehicles ranging from a hearse to a pest control van which seems to be used frequently by him. Rachel Brenner is 42 and is recently divorced, she meets Mac Sullivan while he is staking out her house and following her to her new position at a funeral home. Mac and his sidekick Whiskey are looking for Rachel’s brother, Dan who is a suspect in the embezzlement of money and the murder of his boss. Rachel joins forces with the attractive Mac Sullivan and his loveable assistant to help prove her brothers innocence. Of course to add a little fun Mac’s wolfhound Whiskey hates cats and as luck would have it Rachel has a cat who also hates dogs.

Rachel finds herself in the midst of a murder investigation when her brother comes up missing and is a primary suspect in his bosses’ murder. Rachel finds herself being able to manage and cope in ways in which she never expected, but before the end of the investigation, Rachel is finding herself in conflict with not only the killers but also with Mac Sullivan. Will Mac Sullivan find the half million that is missing? Will Rachel’s brother Dan be cleared? Or did Dan take the money and kill his boss?

Murder Off the Books has fast paced action, a strong plot throughout; it provides witty believable and memorable characters. And it contains a loveable Irish wolfhound named Whiskey that has a taste for fast-food. This is such an exciting and fun book and the first in the series, I’ll be sure to pick up each one to follow in this series.

This read combines suspense, mystery, and humor and is packed with twist & turns, as well as plenty of surprises along the way. It is a real page turner and demands to be completed. I highly recommend this for everyone, a must read, I honestly can’t wait for the next one. So if you want a whodunit that contains non-stop action and humor look no further.
Quality Book Reviews

Bicycle Shop Murder
By Robert Burton Robinson
ISBN: 978-1-84685-611-2
Reviewed by: Terry South for Quality Book Reviews (03/07)

Are you looking for adventure, romance and murder? “Bicycle Shop Murder” has all of that. This is the first in the Greg Tenorly mystery series.

The book begins with the death of Sam Spokane, the bicycle shop owner, later in the book it is revealed that he only has a few months to live due to a recent diagnosis of prostate cancer, so why would someone want him dead now?

The setting is Coreyville, Texas, a small town where everyone knows everybody. Greg Tenorly is a divorced music teacher, leads the choir at church, and is a marriage counselor, it all starts when a beautiful red head by the name of Cynthia Blockerman, vice president at First State Bank comes to see Greg. Cynthia is in her late 20’s and is married to Troy Blockerman, she has come to see Greg as her marriage is in trouble, her husband drinks a lot, is abusive and she finds herself in a loveless marriage. Troy’s normal routine is coming home from work, drinking beer and watching TV until he passes out in the living room. Cynthia usually sleeps in the marital bed alone, which is completely fine with her as she is afraid of Troy especially when he has been drinking.

As the story continues, Greg Tenorly finds himself being called up for jury selection and is then picked and called upon to be a juror in the murder trial of Sam Spokane. Little does Greg know what troubles lay ahead for him? The troubles all begin when one Buford Bellowin a high powered attorney in Dallas wants the black man accused of murdering Sam Spokane found innocent. Greg and Cynthia are thrown together and both their lives are in danger, there have already been several other murders relating to the murder trial, a witness for the prosecution has had a terrible accident and died, one of the jurors is murdered, and the wife of the bicycle shop is murdered. Who is committing these murders and why? Who will be the next target?

Greg and Cynthia are starting to piece together the murders and who is committing them, they think maybe a hit man or maybe 2 different hit men, after driving to Dallas to see Buford. On the way back to Coreyville, they discover they are wanted for murder, and they have a killer after them, things are going from bad to worse. Will they be murder victims or will they be found guilty of murder? You will want to find out the answer to all these questions.

Although the book has a few errors and typos, it is very well written. The characters are believable and common people that you fell as if you know them. “Bicycle Shop Murder” has enough action and intrigue to keep you turning the pages. Robert Burton Robinson has done a wonderful job of bringing murder, mayhem and romance all into one book. I am anxiously awaiting the next one in the series.
Quality Book Reviews
Over the next few weeks the following book reviews will be posted so be sure to check back often or subscribe to the blog to get the latest reviews as they are posted.

The following book reviews will be posted in the following weeks (not in any particular order):

1. Vrolok (finished, just need to post review)

2. This Year You Write Your Novel

3. Must of Got Lost by Jerry Girard

4. A Dirty Business by Humphrey (finished, just need to post)

5. One...Two...Buckle My Shoe by P.K. Paranya

6. Toaster Pond by Peter de Witt (finished, just need to post)

7. Altered by Colleen Curran

8. The Bone Whistle by Eva Swan (finished, just need to post)

9. The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross (finished, just need to post)

10. The Strangeling by Saskia Walker (finished, just need to post)

11. The Book of Air and Shadows by Michael Gruber (finished, need post)

12. Ladykiller by Lawrence Light & Meredith Anthony

13. The Naming of the Dead by Ian Rankin (finished, need to post)

14. Murder Off the Books by Evelyn David

15. For a Few Demons More by Kim Harrison

16. Pattern of Vengenance by C. Hyytinen

17. Lost Echoes by Joe Lansdale (finished, just need to post)

18. Self's Deception by Bernhard Schlink

19. 13 Bullets by David Wellington

20. Wish Club by Kim Strickland

21. The Black Sheep by Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout

22. The New & Improved vivien leigh reid by Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout

23. Deep Storm by Lincoln Child (finished, just need to post)

24. Bicycle Shop Murder by Robert Burton Robinson

Just Finished Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill, Oh My! What to say on this one, WOW!!! A masterpiece thriller, I literally read this from front to back in one day, I just could not put it down, spine tingling, intriguing, enticing, , fascinating psychological ghost story. This is a MUST READ!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait for the next one. The review will be posted here on my blog later this evening.

Quality Book Reviews
Quality Book Reviews

Heart Shaped Box
By Joe Hill
ISBN: 9780061147937 $24.95
William Morrow, February 13, 2007
Reviewed by: Terry South (Quality Book Reviews) 3/07


Do you believe in ghosts? Hold on for the spine tingling adventure you will discover in the Heart Shaped Box. There should be a warning label attached stating “Once started, demands to be finished.”

I am not going to give away spoilers in this review, as you will want to read this highly recommended thriller. This is a fascinating psychological ghost story which is packed with thrills and chills. Joe Hill has produced a work that is so vivid and comes to life, an extremely visual novel.

Judas Coyne is an aging rock star; he collects bizarre and macabre artifacts which include a used hangman’s noose, rare books on witchcraft, a snuff film, and artwork by a serial killer. When his assistant approaches him with the discovery of a ghost being auctioned off of the internet, Judas decides to place the highest bid in order to acquire this for his collection. The suit arrives a few days later via UPS in a heart shaped box. Unknowingly, the suit used to belong to an old preacher, Craddock McDermott. This haunting is it for meddling with the spirits? Or just by chance, or is it more sinister like a curse?

Heart Shaped Box is Joe Hill’s debut novel, and proves he is an excellent addition to the horror genre with his own style and voice. Hill is also the son of Stephen King, which should come as no surprise. His plot is strong throughout; he has executed excellent believable character development. This is a masterpiece thriller; I literally read this from cover to cover in one day, I just could not put it down. This story is packed, it is spine tingling, intriguing, enticing, and is fascinating. This book, in my opinion had no faults. I think the concept and the writing as a whole can have no blemish thrown its way.

This is a MUST READ! I cannot wait for the next one.
Quality Book Reviews
PSIence: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal Phenomena
by Marie D. Jones

I have had the pleasure of reading another book from one of our authors here on myspace, and what a fascinating subject and a fascinating read, so thank you very much.

PSIence is phenomenal and a must read for all who have an interest in the paranormal or any curiosity of the subject. Marie D. Jones explains quantum physics in such a manner that makes it understandable and you will be able to grasp the concepts with no problem.

PSIence delivers the latest discoveries in quantum physics which may explain the existence of paranormal phenomena including UFOs, ghosts, apparitions, poltergeists, psychic abilities, etc...

Marie D. Jones is both a researcher and investigator of metaphysics and the paranormal, and has published hundreds of articles, essays, and short stories, and is the author of Looking for God In All the Wrong Places.

She has accomplished both clarity and an understandable style of writing. With such a fascinating read in PSIence, I would have to recommend that this is a must read for anyone who has ever wondered or had an interest in the paranormal. I have included a link to her myspace site, so all can check it out today.
Quality Book Reviews

Sins and Secrets
by P.F. Kozak
Kensington Aphrodisia
ISBN: 0-7582-1418-9 $12.95

Category: Historical Romance
Release date: October 2006


P.F. Kozak's erotic historical romance, Sins and Secrets is set in Victorian London and is a very unique choose your own sexual adventure. A sensual delight with blazing hot eroticism.

Set in Victorian London, as a time when people were proper, but yet indulged in their sensuality, passion and sexual inclinations behind closed doors. The author is so vivid in detail that we are transported back in time. In this erotic tale, we as the reader can choose to have either the male or the female dominate the sex scenes, this is quite a change from the ordinary.

Pamela Kingston wishes to indulge her fantasies with her guardian Peter Rennard, the man whom she has loved forever. And Peter has loved Pamela from the moment she was a child, working as the family barrister. When Pamela's father dies she becomes the ward of Peter. Pamela is blooming into a beautiful young lady and Peter's sexual attraction to her is becoming very strong. Peter sends Pameal off to boarding school in hopes to prevent his growing desires and to avoid the taking of her innocence. He must keep his promise to Pamela's father, as he promised to make sure Pamela would marry into someone of her own status.

Upon her return, she has fully blossomed into a beautiful woman and is discovering her sexuality and desires. They immediately recognize their sexual attraction has grown even stronger due to their seperation. Peter introduces Pamela to her hidden desires and her sexual fantasies. But as time continues, Peter realizes he must find someone to marry Pamela, but he cannot stand the thought of someone else touching her. Will Peter find someone for Pamela to marry, or will he marry her?

You will find wonderful characters, adventure, love, romance, and erotic sexual tension making this one hard to put down. This is a highly recommended historical romance read as it sizzles with passion and sexual tensions.
Quality Book Reviews

by Christopher Paolini
Knopf books

As promised, here is the review of Eldest, book two in the trilogy, the sequel to Eragon.

Eldest too is entertaining and adventerous as the first book was. The story continues with the life of Eragon and his dragon as they continue their efforts to defeat the evil empire. Eragon's cousin Roran is struggling to survive the mess Eragon has left behind. You will find there is alot happening in this story, there are a lot of secrets which are revealed, which helps us as the readers discover the pieces of history of Eragon, as well as many other characters in the story.

This is very well written, packed with information, and very entertaining. Now I am awaiting the third book, I can't wait to read it. This is another highly recommended trilogy, you must read. 5 stars

Quality Book Reviews

by Christopher Paolini
Knopf Books

This is such a wonderful story, which is the reason children, young teens love it so much. This story is full of action, it also reminds me somewhat of Harry Potter, related to its theme and style. You are able to get lost in the adventures that transpire within the book. It provides magic, mystery, battles, elves, monsterous guys, drangons, were cats, sorcerers, etc all within its pages.

This is a must for all fantasy lovers, you will absolutely fall in love with this book. Astonishing is the fact that the author wrote Eragon at the tender age of 15. This is the first in the trilogy, next to follow in my blog is the review of Eldest which I will be posting next.

I would recommend this to everyone of all age groups not just the young adults. You will enjoy this book, it is a beautiful story of adventure and will wisk you away, even after finishing the book you will be thinking about its characters. A definite 5 star read!
Quality Book Reviews

Virgin River
By Robyn Carr
MIRA Books
Reviewed by: Terry South

Melinda Monroe is a nurse and midwife, her husband Mark Monroe was murdered during a convenience store robbery. Melinda reads a want ad wanting a Midwife/Nurse Practioner in Virgin River with a population of only six hundred and includes a rent free cabin. She decides this might just be the perfect place for her to heal her heartache and also might be just the place for her nursing career. She accepts the job as the Doctors assistant in this small town. When she arrives nothing was as she expected or as advertised, the cabin is dilapidated and a wreck, and the old Doc Mullins does not even want her. She did receive a warm welcoming from Jack, the restaurant owner, but she still decides this was a mistake and makes the decision to leave, but her plans quickly change when she discovers the newborn left on the Doc’s front porch steps. Has she found the escape she was looking for, or has she discovered her home?

The main characters are Melinda, Doc Mullins, and Jack, whom is in love with Melinda, but he is being patient as he recognizes that her heart still belongs to another man.

The story line is solid; the characters are likeable as well as believable. Virgin River is a fabulous book that is addictive reading. There is so much packed into this book including Melinda’s adventure, great characters, and passion. I highly recommend curling up with this book.
Quality Book Reviews

Butterfly Lullaby Fairytale
By Sharon J. Bainbridge
ISBN: 0-9554454-0-X
Published by Butterfly Lullaby
Illustrated photographs by Sharon J. Bainbridge
Fairy costumes designed & made by Sharon J. Bainbridge
Story by Sharon J. Bainbridge

Brilliant & Delightful with vivid color and detail.
5 stars

Butterfly Lullaby Fairytale is very delicately done with bright vivid colorful illustrations of children in beautiful costumes set to the enchanting backgrounds.

Promotions include photographs where you can become one of the characters in the story. You have your photo taken in costume or you can send in your image and they will transform it into fairy art. They also talk of the characters visiting real places from the story which include Plantasia, Swansea, Wales, Castell Coch, Cardiff, Wales, Upwey Wishing Well, Weymouth, Dorset.

Butterfly Lullaby is the enchanting fairy story about a little Butterfly Fairy called Princess Melody. And a very jealous Prince puts the Princess under a magical spell. Princess Melody runs away as she is frightened for her mother’s safety.

The evil Prince leaves Wet Springs and destroys his new found land. Magical fairies are called upon, but can the spell be broken and will the Queen, Princess, and Fairyland be saved?

Butterfly Lullaby was written with special children in mind and in the heart of the author. The child’s name is Jodie, who suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. And the author Sharon J. Bainbridge has a special dedication to Jodie on page 3. Above that a portion of the proceeds from the sales of this storybook will be contributed to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust in finding a cure.

Not only is this author very talented with the writing of this story, but to the photographs, the designing of the costumes, she also is a lady with a big heart wanting to help children with Cystic Fibrosis to find a cure. So I would like to highly recommend that everyone pick up a new copy of Butterfly Lullaby whether you have little ones or not, the story is very well written, the illustrated photographs are vivid and lively and so brilliantly colorful that everyone will want to add this treasure to their own collection.

A Must Have!
Quality Book Reviews
Soul Medicine, Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy
By Norman Shealy, M. D. PH. D. & Dawson Church, PH. D.
ISBN: 0-9710888-8-8 $24.95
Elite Books, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Reviewed by: Terry South

Both intelligent and intriguing
5 stars

Soul Medicine conveys that a vibrant spiritual connection is essential to wellness. The author’s contend that there is a spiritual connection which is established in the consciousness and through intention which they state can alter the bodies’ energy field. You will find these principles described in the book as well as many scientific studies that demonstrate the power of consciousness to heal.

Norman Shealy, M.D., PH. D. is a neurosurgeon and is the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association. And Dawson Church, PH. D., is currently researching Quantum Medicine, which is the exploration of the newest studies on the effects of the consciousness on DNA.

The entire book is so intriguing and engaging, but I will have to say that my favorite chapter is Chapter 10 entitled “Your Personal Soul Connection Inventory”. The author’s state that “a healthy relationship with your soul, and using soul medicine as primary care, is the best thing you can do for your body”. In this chapter they list characteristics which they have found to be common to people with a vibrant soul connection. The characteristics include all the following: forgiveness, tolerance, serenity, faith, reason, hope, motivation, consistency, community, joy, gratitude, and love, all of which are explained in detail. You will also find within this chapter that they include a soul connection inventory of 50 items in which you add up your own personalized score and interpret your own results.

Being a nurse, I know that stress affects the body, the more stress a person endures and has in their life, they eventually begin to adapt, thereby reducing our threshold for new stress is lowered which eventually causes a cascading effect on us. Stress plays a major role in disease, all of which is explained within Soul Medicine. The holistic approach to medicine is on the rise in our nation and Soul Medicine brings to our attention the issues of consciousness and intention.

The authors explain that your consciousness holds the key to our own well being, and that even small shifts in energy and awareness can produce major shifts in our health. They continue on and include a look at the history of faith healers, and trace the factors that were and are common to healings they term as “miraculous healings”.

Soul Medicine is intelligent and engaging, and I found it difficult to put down. A very highly recommended read for anyone who is interested in their health and well-being.
Quality Book Reviews

Cracking Grace
by Steven Stromp

Cracking Grace is amazing; I have never read anything quite like this before. Talking statutes? Wow, this is gripping. The story is told through the eyes of Audrey, a young girl who has lost her mother. Audrey’s father takes care of the cemetery and is very proud of the statues he has created; they include Mary, Jesus, and two gargoyles. You will also find an eccentric ghost, Mrs. Grant who is trapped in the cemetery after committing suicide, and you will even find a blue bird named Bluebell. The story unfolds after the death of Audrey’s mother; Audrey feels second best to her dead mother and doesn’t feel like she can compete with her dead mother for her father’s attention. Audrey’s father is slipping away due to being consumed by grief.

The novel focuses on grief and the coming to terms with both loss and death. A father unable to accept his wife’s death, a woman trapped in stone, and new found relationships for the daughter, and coming to terms with loss and grieving in different ways are all an intricate part of this story.

I highly recommend this story for everyone, and especially for those who have suffered a loss and are grieving. This is a wonderful story, and very different.

Absolute 5 star read!
Quality Book Reviews

Twisted Perception
By Bob Avey

The story begins with the murder of Lagayle Zimmerman, she is found in her vehicle with a shiny necklace hanging from the rearview mirror. Kenny Elliot is a detective in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is on the investigation of the murder of Lagayle. Kenny remembers a time back in Porter where a similar necklace hung from the mirror, where the bodies of his friends were found. He also remembers being a suspect in their murders, but the murders were ruled as murder/suicide, however, Kenny never believed this to be true. The reason Kenny was suspect in their murders is the night before the murders there had been an altercation between he and his friends, and Kenny was known to have a temper. Now with this new murder of Lagayle, Kenny is faced with the past and to finding the answers in order to find the true killer of this murder as well as his friends murders from years ago.

The characters are well developed and believable. It has an intricate plot, the story is full of detail, with twist and turns, and is loaded with surprises.

This is a must read for mystery fans. I highly recommend this book, not only is it a page turner, but will keep you guessing.

Quality Book Reviews gives Twisted Perception 5 stars.
Quality Book Reviews

The Thief Maker
By David H Schleicher

William Donovan is a con man who steals from nursing home residents, and his girlfriend Alice, and the security guard Lucas Tolliver are his accomplices. They prey on the Alzheimer’s ward, knowing these patients cannot be witness to their crimes. Felice Morrison, the granddaughter to one of the nursing home’s residents and Marcus Pierce a private investigator are determined to put a stop to Donovan and his accomplices. The setting takes place on the streets of New York and Philadelphia.

As the story continues, the characters interact and then you become aware that Donovan and his accomplices have ties that you did not know about in the beginning. A great read for those who enjoy mysteries. This is not only a thriller and a mystery, but it also plays on the psychological aspects, including memory loss. The characterizations are engaging, and believable.

This was a wonderful book full of twists and turns and lots of surprises.

Quality Book Reviews

Coomacka Island Anansi Jr And The Mango Truck
by Don P. Hooper
Illustrated by Darnel Degand

Check out their website at: www.coomacka.com
Great website for both you and your children to enjoy.

Coomacka Island, Anansi Jr. & the Mango Truck by Don P. Hooper is a Caribbean tale that involves Anansi Jr., a spider who loves mangoes and is a tale of learning a lesson in true friendship.

This is a enchanting, delightful, and stimulating read for young readers, it has bright colors, wonderful graphics & illustrations (Illustrated by Darnel Degand)which are so vivid they will have your children using their imaginations and asking questions.

I look forward to all the adventures to continue, and will honestly being collecting each one for my grandson Caden to enjoy. This is a wonderful book for all young readers and is highly recommended as a must for the children in your life.

A Definite 5 Star children's book!
Quality Book Reviews

Summer of Light
By W. Dale Cramer
Bethany House Publishers, 2007
ISBN: 0-7642-2996-6
Reviewed by: Terry South for Reader Views (02/07)

Contemporary Fiction at its finest
5 stars

“Summer of Light” is a story which addresses stay at home fathers. The main character, Mick Brannigan was an ironworker whom after a bizarre accident is thrown from his life in construction to that of a stay at home father. Layne, Mick’s wife urges Mick to stop looking for a job as their four year old son Dylan needs constant supervision. Due to Dylan’s special needs and a predictable daily routine, Layne urges Mick to stay at home and care for Dylan and their other two school-aged children. Layne returns to work as a paralegal at the law firm with mixed feelings, she would rather be the one at home tending to the chores and tending to the children as she is not confident that Mick is quite up to the task at hand.

Mick is unsettled as he wants to be the provider of his family, his father had left when he was a child and that disturbs him, and he yearns to remain the provider. Mick eventually agrees to stay home for awhile, so he begins to manage the house, the chores, the children, the animals and their five acres of land. During his year long journey of being a stay at home dad he makes discoveries about himself, his children, and his wife.

The stories setting takes place in Georgia, and the Brannigan’s neighbors are pesky to say the least. Mick has a gift of photography and he does not even realize he is great with the camera, but it catches the eye of one of his neighbor’s wife. In short, this is a story of more modern day families who are struggling through with everyday life, reversal of roles, and the circumstances in which we all face eventually. Mick finds faith and hope and through his photographs of his children, the country, and his work at a homeless shelter it reveals his beliefs.

Dale Cramer has a unique writing style, and he draws you into the story. His characters are so believable and the story contains vivid accounts and details. Cramer has a gift for telling a great story that is driven by his characters, which are engaging, strong in emotion and believe in what they are doing. They are so well-developed that by the end of the book, you feel as if you have gained new friends.

This is contemporary fiction at its finest, engaging and surprisingly humorous at times; it also is an emotional story and will touch your heart. I highly recommend this book to anyone whether male or female looking for a light but touching read. I enjoy this author’s work and he brings new elements into his story while still retaining his unique voice.

Summer of Light earns 5 stars and is a highly recommended read.
Quality Book Reviews

Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting
By Lynn Grabhorn
Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.
Self-Help Book
Reviewed by Terry South 2/24/07

I enjoyed most of this author’s work and she brought new elements into play pointing out negative and positive feelings. The author places a lot of personal examples throughout and makes it clear the distinctive differences between our negative wants and positive one’s. She is very enthusiastic and focuses on feelings throughout the entire book, and until now says we have been running our lives on a default setting.

Lynn Grabhorn stresses that our negative or positive feelings determine what happens during our daily lives. She points out that we send out vibrations in which others pick upon, so we need to focus on our feelings and keep them positive, in my opinion this is easier said than done. For me personally it is impossible to maintain constant positive feelings and not allow the negative ones to enter our minds. However, she incorporates simple steps to follow, so I plan to at least give it a try, I have nothing to lose except for maybe the negativity.

“Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting, the astonishing power of feelings” by Lynn Grabhorn is a book that tells you as well as shows you how to change your life. This book is idea for the people who feel their lives are way off track, maybe feeling a little depressed, down on their luck, or even just the general down feeling, or the feeling of everything in your life is going wrong. Or for those of us that wish to make a positive change in our lives.

This book instructs you to take back control of your life by switching your feelings and making them positive. She guides you through and tells you how to perfect the Law of Attraction which will bring the better things in life your way. She wants you to focus on the positive aspects and says “Anything it takes to get you to that place of feeling better than when you started’. She tells us to open that valve any way we can, and if we have tried and still nothing is working and all else fails, she tells us there is only one alternative left and that is to “look for anything within the situation, or in your immediate surroundings, to appreciate or feel good about”.

We need to start talking to ourselves, faking it, or even coning ourselves to pretty soon feel that click into Feel Good Energy or at least feel better and then the valve will begin to open slowly. So, she reminds us if we are mad, irritated at a situation to step back and take that negative and turn it into a positive, even if you have to find a positive in the situation, do all you can to muster a positive aspect. The author also says “The art of feeling good is not exactly something at which we are highly accomplished, so the goal is to learn how to do it on the spot.”

One of the weaknesses was the over usage of “feeeelings” throughout the entire book. Otherwise, this was a very interesting read, and the author writes with enthusiasm, and stresses to live a fulfilling life. Very easy reading style, while incorporating explanations, examples and simple steps to follow.

She has offered four fundamental principles for attracting what we desire most in life. She beams with positive energy. I highly recommend reading it and giving it a try, you have nothing to lose except maybe some negativity.
Quality Book Reviews

Fringe Benefits
By F. M. Meredith
Tigress Press, 2006
ISBN10: 0-977-160-9-X $13.95
Reviewed by: Terry South

Cal Sylvester, a California police officer despises Gordon Butler, who is his rookie partner. Cal does however find his partner’s wife to be hot and has a plan to have her for more than a friend. Cal and Darcy begin a heated romance, after several months Darcy informs Cal she wants and expects more from her men.

In order to keep Darcy in the style she requires, Cal begins to plot the murder of his wife Lee Ann in order to get the money he needs to keep Darcy. He’s plan is to use his wife’s life insurance money, but what about their kids at home? Cal is completely obsessed with Darcy and now needs to fulfill his obsession. Will Cal continue with his plot to kill his wife?

While this book is compact, it delivers a complete read. It combines a luscious blend of police procedurals and thriller, and is a great read. In Fringe Benefits, F. M. Meredith brings a cast of engaging and winsome characters. And most definitely earns 5 stars, and is a must read. Hope there are many more on the way.
Quality Book Reviews

Calling The Dead
by Marilyn Meredith
Mundania Press
ISBN: 1-59426-352-3
Reviewed by: Terry South (Quality Book Reviews)

Calling the Dead is an intriguing mystery which delivers suspense Native Americans who practice in calling back the dead. The story unfolds in Bear Creek California, where Deputy Tempe Crabtree is investigating two deaths. One of the deaths appear to be from natural causes and the other looks to be murder. She investigates these murders by using her insticts and her intuitions as well as investigative tools to solve these crimes. Upon further investigation things become complicated and now the question is was this a murder or an accident or suicide? Other questions arise concerning the two young people who actually reported finding the body, why did they give false names and addresses? And why did they flee so quickly? Then did the other death occur to natural causes or something else? As she continues her investigation into these deaths she is forced to gain answers by use of drastic measures, which puts her own life in danger as she comes closer to solving these deaths.

Marilyn Meredith has her own unique writing style which brings her readers in and allows them to put the pieces together like a puzzle, and to help solve the mystery as they are engaged in the reading of her work. This is a great story with good characterizations, and well developed plot. I highly recommend this book which can be read in a day or two.
Quality Book Reviews

The Will To Defy
By Ken Myler
ACME Publications
ISBN: 0-9774636-0-5
Reviewed by: Terry South (Quality Book Reviews)

The Will To Defy
By Ken Myler
ACME Publications
ISBN: 0-9774636-0-5
Reviewed by: Terry South

The Will To Defy is a gripping story filled with intrigue, it is a psychological tale that will send chills up and down your spine. Ken Myler draws you into the story with vivid accounts and detail.

Ben Pearce is a husband, a father, and a broker In New York who is thrown into a nightmare in this suspense/thriller. He is woven into a whirl of trying to prevent his own demise, when the daughter of an underworld mobster is accidentally killed. The underworld boss, Victor Draeken is out for revenge and Ben Pearce is set on a quest to keep his family safe as well as himself. Ben is faced with extraordinary experiences turning his life from a peaceful one into survival from a father's revenge. Ben even goes as far as to start planning his own funeral, but stumbles upon a one page document that may keep Victor Draeken at bay out of fear. So Ben decides to put a plan into motion using this one page document, but as with most plans things become complicated.

Ken Myler has developed a plot that will keep the reader on the edge of your seat. The story contains twist and turns, and just when you think you have it figured out, Wrong, he takes you in a different direction to keep you on the edge.

This is a definite page turner and demands to be finished, I would recommend starting it on the weekend as you will want to finish this in one weekend. The Will To Defy definitely earns 5 stars and is a Must read!
Quality Book Reviews

“If Truth Be Told”
By Lynda Fitzgerald
Five Star, June 2007
ISBN: 1-59414-568-7
Reviewed by Terry South (02/07) (Quality Book Reviews)

“If Truth Be Told” by Lynda Fitzgerald, WOW, I loved this book, this story touched me so deeply, this is an emotional and a great read.

The story is told through the eyes of one of the main characters “Christie”. The setting takes place between Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach, and the story begins in August of 1961. Christie is the youngest of the three O’Kelly sisters, and is 14 years old when she meets the boy of her dreams. His name is Todd, soon to be her step cousin. Her Uncle Jack is marrying Carly, Todd’s mother. After falling for Todd she decides to put away her teddy bear, which from time to time she takes back out of her closet for comfort. After four years of dreaming about her future with Todd, she is devastated from a letter to her aunt and uncle revealing that Todd is married.

The story progresses through eight years; Christie comes home to find that Todd had been to her place looking for her. Todd is determined to win Christie back, but Christie wants no part of being hurt and lied to again. Todd offers to be there for her as a friend due to her uncle’s illness, she does not believe him and calls her uncle, and it is true, he is sick.

They are thrown together time and again due to her uncle’s series of medical conditions. Christie finally gives in due to Todd’s persistence. They become engaged, and then suddenly her uncle dies.

Christie is confused she though he was doing better, and Carly’s behavior and actions around her are very different, almost as if she feels guilty about something. Christie is determined to find out the truth, she does not believe her uncle’s death was natural. So she begins asking questions, prodding for the truth, but is afraid this will be the end to her relationship with the man of her dreams.

The author mixes romance and a touch of mystery. The plot is intriguing, the characters are believable, and the story has vivid details. In my opinion the writing as a whole can have no blemish thrown its way. The story will tug at your heart and will bring tears to your eyes.

A fascinating read, I could not put this one down, highly recommended, a definite 5 star read.

Quality Book Reviews

Frank, Sammy, Marlon & Me: Adventures in Paradise with the Celebrity Set
By Eddie Sherman
Watermark Publishing, 2006
ISBN: 0-9779143-8-0
Reviewed by Terry South for ------------ (02/07)

Fascinating memoir
4 stars

“Frank, Sammy, Marlon & Me: Adventures in Paradise with the Celebrity Set” is emotional, uplifting and a good read.

This book, in my opinion had no faults. I think the concept and the writing as a whole can have no blemish thrown its way. The book delivers Eddie Sherman’s tell all, behind the scene about smoozing with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars in Hawaii, which he calls their playground. The book is intended for the general audience, there are some uses of language which may not be appropriate for young readers.

The story is written through the eyes of the author, beginning at age 6. The first couple of chapters pull at your heart strings and will bring a tear to your eye. It all begins when Eddie’s mother Bessie is struggling to raise her son alone. She had divorced Eddie’s father and became a single mother all before any of this was acceptable. Eddie was placed into an orphanage in 1929. This was a difficult decision, however, Eddie would be provided with a place to sleep and food to eat. The orphanage closed when he was 13 and he was then placed into foster care. This takes place during the depression and foster parents took children in for monetary reasons. Eddie is placed with a family “The Green’s” and their children take priority over Eddie, where he is forced to wait for bathroom privileges, then he is faced with the decision of eating breakfast or using the bathroom. After awhile he develops a weak bladder and begins to wet the bed the foster mom is furious and punishes Eddie by using a dog strap and/or an iron poker. He recalls his teacher at that time Marjorie Ellis and describes her as the most beautiful person in the world, as she came to Eddie’s aid and saved him. Eddie would then go on to be placed into a total of 4 foster homes. Eddie never forgot Marjorie and once he became a successful columnist in Hawaii he arranged for her to visit. He provided her airfare and a 2 week stay at the Kahala Hilton. Marjorie’s favorite actor was Richard Boone with whom Eddie was good friends, so he arranged an evening filled with a dinner and a show and her surprise date being none other than Richard Boone.

The story progresses through the years, Eddie describes his trouble with his shoulder from fighting, he had been fighting since being introduced to it in the early days of being in the orphanage. The shoulder was repaired surgically and Eddie joined the Coast Guard, while in boot camp he re-injured his shoulder and received a medical discharged. He returned to Boston and had no job so he applied to the Boston Navy Yard as a sheet metal helper and was accepted, but not to work in Boston but Pearl Harbor. While in Hawaii, he tells of his experiences and applying as a radio announcer where he was rejected due to his Boston accent. He then went onto study radio and speech and would eventually reapply and retain the position. Then years later he goes onto become a premier columnist and then the big adventure begins.

This is where the story takes off and progress throughout the years and is filled with interesting and eccentric entertainment figures that are so ideally suited to the unfolding of the memoirs. The author tells all in this behind the scenes look. There are approximately 45 celebrities that Eddie covers; along with rare never before seen photos of celebrities which include Red Skelton, Marlon Brando, and Sammy Davis, Jr. all from his private collection. The author’s memoirs are what he calls the greatest moments in his life and attributes this book not to the celebrities but to Hawaii.

Eddie Sherman is donating all of his royalties to the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific. So you are getting a fascinating memoir as well as supporting a good cause.

The book is a highly enjoyable and greatly recommended read.
Quality Book Reviews
I am still adding more review companies to my list
Current mood: chipper

I will be performing even more reviews as I have been contacted by BookPleasures.com, BookReview.com, Midwest Book Review, and Echelon Press Publishing, and CataReviews.
So please check back often as new reviews will be coming up very soon. As soon as one is completed be on the watch for the next to be posted within a few days, and so on.

We will only have a down time if we are not getting enough books in to be reviewed. But hopefully as many reviews that are usually needed we should be able to maintain a constant flow of Quality Book Reviews.

So please subscribe to our Blog to read all the reviews and please feel free to add comments.
Quality Book Reviews
Meeting with Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson (Jefferson Bass)

What a wonderful Valentine's Day! I met with Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson the writing team known as Jefferson Bass. They are the author's of: "Deaths Acre: The Body Farm", "Carved In Bone" and "Flesh and Bone". What a wonderful set of men, Dr. Bill Bass arrived an hour early, so I got some alone time to talk with him. Dr. Bass has a wonderful out going personality, we talked about many things, he even was inquisitive of my being a nurse, a grandmother, and as my being a reviewer. He even made the wonderful comment "you do not look old enough to be a grandmother".

Jon Jefferson arrived 15 minutes before the scheduled time. They were conducting a book signing in Maryville, TN at Hastings. There were so many people that were there to meet them and to have their books autographed. Alot of the people were buying 2 of each of his books to have autographed. I of course already had all 3 books in my collection which I brought with me, but I only had the Body Farm in softcover so I bought the hardback version.

Dr. Bass told Jon Jefferson that I was a reviewer and he was very appreciative of what reviewers do and ask that I please keep up the good work. He even inquired if I had performed any reviews on any of their work and ask for the websites. I told them I was going to let everyone know about the meeting tonight and would be posting pictures.

Well I was in such a tizzy that I walked out and forgot my camera, so they arranged to have pictures made. I will be picking those pictures up in a few days and will be posting those as well.
I am a very big fan of their's and just love their new series, I would recommend that anyone who is a fan of Patricia Cornwell or Kathy Reichs add Jefferson Bass to their Must Have lists.

Quality Book Reviews

Flesh and Bone
by Jefferson Bass
Reviewed by: Terry South (Quality Book Reviews)

Dr. Bill Bass, is the legendary forensic anthropologist who founded the University of Tennessee's Body Farm, the world's first laboratory devoted to the study of human body decomp. Dr. Bass has once again teamed up with his writing partner, journalist Jon Jefferson (pseudonym: Jefferson Bass) for another thrilling suspense.

When a man is found hung from a tree, it is up to Dr. Bill Brockton to discover who this unfortunate man is and why he was so brutally murdered. Dr. Brockton and the Chattanooga medical examiner Jessamine Carter are thrown together to work on this case. Dr. Brockton, a widower and Carter who is divorced become romantically involved. Jess Carter is found murdered and of course Dr. Bill Brockton is the one who discovers her body, becoming the prime suspect in her murder. Dr. Brockton now has to use his own skills to prove his innocence before he is sent to jail, where some of the men he helped convict are housed.

"Flesh And Bone" is a great novel that offers romance, mystery and forensic science. The plot is intriguing, the characters are believable, and it brims with terrific forensic detail, solid science and a lovable protagonist. The team of Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson have created another great novel in the series, (this is the second in the series, the first was "Carved In Bone") and there are plans to continue the series. So the fans of this genre you need to be sure and add the writing team known as Jefferson Bass to your list.

This is a must read.
Quality Book Reviews
Terry South, RN, BSN, LNC, DON, COS-C, CNSA

Born and raised in Kingsport, TN, graduated from East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, TN with a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. Started nursing career as a circulating nurse in the operating room and working my way up to Orthopedic Coordinator then to Surgery Shift Manager. Took up travel nursing for a few years and decided to relocated back to the Mountains of Tennessee, I now reside in Maryville, TN.

Have owned several businesses including Legal Nurse Consulting Services of America. Just retired last year from Director of Nursing, and now my time is spent with my wonderful 7 mo old grandson Caden. I am published: co-author of "Internet Medical Guidebook & CD, Sixth Edition", and have published several articles in Nursing Journals and Legal Nurse Consulting Newspapers and Newsletters. I am currently working on a novel. And of course do freelance writing.

My hobbies include quilting, sewing, cross-stitching, embroidery, NASCAR, my grandson, my 3 dogs & 3 cats, my husband Gary, my daughter Tiffany, and of course the big ones writing and Reading!! I have recently started a blog entitled Quality Book Reviews, and website Quality Book Reviews. I have been approached by several new and upcoming author's asking me for reviews. Of course, I love to read, I also believe a good reviewer is Objective and fair, and not everyone's taste in books is alike.

I have been an avid reader all my life, I enjoy discovering new authors and love to let other readers know about these exciting new works. My reading interest span nearly all genre's.
Quality Book Reviews
Well, I have some wonderful news, I have been contacted by several authors requesting I review their new works, also am performing reviews for Reader Views, Harper Collins, and a few others.

The bad news in all of this is the books I am reviewing for the companies do not allow me to post reviews elsewhere, so for those reviews you will need to go to the individual websites. I will however keep placing my own individual reviews here and for the author's requesting reviews with express permission.

Thank you all and keep checking back as I am working to get more up for your reading pleasure.
Quality Book Reviews

French Creek
by Peter Rennebohm

The main character John Rule goes to a junk yard to buy the truck part he needs. He realizes he should not have gone to such lengths to find the part, as he goes to leave the owners of the junk yard have much different plans for John.

The story takes John through many threatening scenes. John looks at his hopes, his dreams, his failures and his successes and is determined not to give into his feelings of hopelessness.
You will experience John's terror as he adventures through everything that is being thrown his way.

French Creek is an excellent novel; I could not put it down. Wonderful character development, unexpected story lines, terror, thrills and suspense are incorporated into the story. The novel jumps off the pages, you can visualize the characters and the action taking place as you read.

This is a must read.
Quality Book Reviews

Carved In Bone

by Jefferson Bass

The author Jefferson Bass is a writing team of Jon Jefferson a journalist and Dr. Bill Bass, a forensic anthropologist who founded the Body Farm in Knoxville, TN.

The character Dr. Bill Brockton is a forensic anthropologist, he is recovering from the death of his wife. Dr. Brockton is called upon by Sheriff Tom Kitchings to accompany him to a cave in the Appalachian Mountains, where he stumbles across a mummified body. Dr. Brockton's investigation is unwelcome among the residents, he encounters many obsticles from both the medical examiner and the sheriff.

The book contains vast forensic detail; crime fiction fans this is a must read.

The book offers excellent characters and offers a great plot, a real page turner, you won't be able to put this book down.

Quality Book Reviews

Editorial Reviews
- Charles M. Cochrane, Attorney at Law."
...I have been able to find incredibly useful medical information. Every workers compensation lawyer should have this book" --This text refers to the Spiral-bound edition.

- Kara Watkins, RN, Texas Children's Hospital.
"It's a great wealth of knowledge and is helping me become a better surfer (and thus, educator and nurse)" --This text refers to the Spiral-bound edition.

- Dr. A.N. Malpani, MD Health Education Library for People, India.
"We look forward to utilising your reference materials...in order to improve the care and services we provide to our community" --This text refers to the Spiral-bound edition.

Alan Caruba, Bookviews Editor"
Filled with websites providing a wealth of information that can improve your health and maybe even save your life!"

From the Publisher
Currently sold in over 17 United States, this guidebook contains information and websites on medical/health-related topics A-Z, medically-related online print resources, online educational/hospital websites and information specific to physicians and nurses.This is a first edition, future editions are planned. This edition is also available on diskette in Word'97 so that the user/reader may take advantage of Word'97 hyperlink feature and directly connect to listed websites.

From the Back CoverOver 1,200 Medical & Health Related Websites: Medical / Search Engines (page 25)Books / Newspapers / Magazines (page 52)Education / Hospital Sites (page 60)Specific Medical Health Topics (page 103)Resources for Nurses (page 172)Resources for Physicians (page 194)--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
About the Author

Thirty registered nurse and medical librarian author this 6th edition copy.