Quality Book Reviews

Heart Shaped Box
By Joe Hill
ISBN: 9780061147937 $24.95
William Morrow, February 13, 2007
Reviewed by: Terry South (Quality Book Reviews) 3/07


Do you believe in ghosts? Hold on for the spine tingling adventure you will discover in the Heart Shaped Box. There should be a warning label attached stating “Once started, demands to be finished.”

I am not going to give away spoilers in this review, as you will want to read this highly recommended thriller. This is a fascinating psychological ghost story which is packed with thrills and chills. Joe Hill has produced a work that is so vivid and comes to life, an extremely visual novel.

Judas Coyne is an aging rock star; he collects bizarre and macabre artifacts which include a used hangman’s noose, rare books on witchcraft, a snuff film, and artwork by a serial killer. When his assistant approaches him with the discovery of a ghost being auctioned off of the internet, Judas decides to place the highest bid in order to acquire this for his collection. The suit arrives a few days later via UPS in a heart shaped box. Unknowingly, the suit used to belong to an old preacher, Craddock McDermott. This haunting is it for meddling with the spirits? Or just by chance, or is it more sinister like a curse?

Heart Shaped Box is Joe Hill’s debut novel, and proves he is an excellent addition to the horror genre with his own style and voice. Hill is also the son of Stephen King, which should come as no surprise. His plot is strong throughout; he has executed excellent believable character development. This is a masterpiece thriller; I literally read this from cover to cover in one day, I just could not put it down. This story is packed, it is spine tingling, intriguing, enticing, and is fascinating. This book, in my opinion had no faults. I think the concept and the writing as a whole can have no blemish thrown its way.

This is a MUST READ! I cannot wait for the next one.
2 Responses
  1. Joy Says:

    Wow...what a review! I was interested in reading it before, but now I've gotta get it ASAP! Thanks!

  2. Thank you, yes this is a must read. Enjoy!!!