Quality Book Reviews
Terry South, RN, BSN, LNC, DON, COS-C, CNSA

Born and raised in Kingsport, TN, graduated from East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, TN with a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. Started nursing career as a circulating nurse in the operating room and working my way up to Orthopedic Coordinator then to Surgery Shift Manager. Took up travel nursing for a few years and decided to relocated back to the Mountains of Tennessee, I now reside in Maryville, TN.

Have owned several businesses including Legal Nurse Consulting Services of America. Just retired last year from Director of Nursing, and now my time is spent with my wonderful 7 mo old grandson Caden. I am published: co-author of "Internet Medical Guidebook & CD, Sixth Edition", and have published several articles in Nursing Journals and Legal Nurse Consulting Newspapers and Newsletters. I am currently working on a novel. And of course do freelance writing.

My hobbies include quilting, sewing, cross-stitching, embroidery, NASCAR, my grandson, my 3 dogs & 3 cats, my husband Gary, my daughter Tiffany, and of course the big ones writing and Reading!! I have recently started a blog entitled Quality Book Reviews, and website Quality Book Reviews. I have been approached by several new and upcoming author's asking me for reviews. Of course, I love to read, I also believe a good reviewer is Objective and fair, and not everyone's taste in books is alike.

I have been an avid reader all my life, I enjoy discovering new authors and love to let other readers know about these exciting new works. My reading interest span nearly all genre's.
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