Sins and Secrets
by P.F. Kozak
Kensington Aphrodisia
ISBN: 0-7582-1418-9 $12.95
Category: Historical Romance
Release date: October 2006
P.F. Kozak's erotic historical romance, Sins and Secrets is set in Victorian London and is a very unique choose your own sexual adventure. A sensual delight with blazing hot eroticism.
Set in Victorian London, as a time when people were proper, but yet indulged in their sensuality, passion and sexual inclinations behind closed doors. The author is so vivid in detail that we are transported back in time. In this erotic tale, we as the reader can choose to have either the male or the female dominate the sex scenes, this is quite a change from the ordinary.
Pamela Kingston wishes to indulge her fantasies with her guardian Peter Rennard, the man whom she has loved forever. And Peter has loved Pamela from the moment she was a child, working as the family barrister. When Pamela's father dies she becomes the ward of Peter. Pamela is blooming into a beautiful young lady and Peter's sexual attraction to her is becoming very strong. Peter sends Pameal off to boarding school in hopes to prevent his growing desires and to avoid the taking of her innocence. He must keep his promise to Pamela's father, as he promised to make sure Pamela would marry into someone of her own status.
Upon her return, she has fully blossomed into a beautiful woman and is discovering her sexuality and desires. They immediately recognize their sexual attraction has grown even stronger due to their seperation. Peter introduces Pamela to her hidden desires and her sexual fantasies. But as time continues, Peter realizes he must find someone to marry Pamela, but he cannot stand the thought of someone else touching her. Will Peter find someone for Pamela to marry, or will he marry her?
You will find wonderful characters, adventure, love, romance, and erotic sexual tension making this one hard to put down. This is a highly recommended historical romance read as it sizzles with passion and sexual tensions.
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