Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
by Linda Desimowich and Stacey Kannenberg
Cedar Valley Publishing
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready For First Grade! is a must for all parents with young children, I myself as both a mother and grandmother highly recommend this for your children. This book is a must and one that I have been searching for, it is packed with great information, it is beautifully illustrated and was created with style. Let’s Get Ready for First Grade! will capture your child’s attention as it is packed with fun activities and colorful illustrations making learning fun for all.This series will delight not only the children but parents as well, allowing you to take an active role in your child’s education even before they enter school, allowing children to make the transition with confidence with advancement in each grade level.

This book is wonderful and again I would like to stress is a MUST for all parents and grandparents looking for that perfect educational tool before sending our children off to the first day of school.

When my daughter was small I tried to find the perfect tools to help her before sending her off to school and so wish this series had been available, I will make sure to purchase each for each grade level to help to assure my grandson is ready and is confident before he starts each grade level beginning with kindergarten (see previous review of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten!). An additional plus for these books are that they are durable, they allow the children to write in them with a dry erase pen and wipe off with ease for future practice over and over again.

Again I would like to say these are GREAT and are a MUST and come highly recommended!!

I found both of these in this series to be invaluable tools for our children’s education and a MUST, I applaud the series.
Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten!
by Linda Desimowich and Stacey Kannenberg
Design: Dori Schmitz, Creative Direction
Illustrations: Joyce Bable-Worth, Two Bit Productions Inc
Printing Consultant: Tracey Jackson, Jackson Marketing and Printing Services, LLC
Web Design: Dave Pethan, Two Bit Productions Inc.
Consulting: Judy Bridges, Redbird Studio
Visual Consulting: Julie Thorn
Cedar Valley Publishing

For and by parents, kids and teachers.

Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten! is a must for all parents with young children, I myself as both a mother and grandmother highly recommend this for your children. This book is a must and one that I have been searching for, it is packed with great information, it is beautifully illustrated and was created with style.

“Parents wrote Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten! with approval from a panel of teachers and curriculum specialists as a solution to “no child left behind.” The book is 32 pages and is a dry-erase book for children ages 2 to 6. This book is great for parents and grandparents by allowing them to take an active role in their children’s education even before they enter school, allowing children to make the transition with confidence.

Most parents want to be involved with their children’s education but are unsure of what to do, kindergarten is not like it was when we were younger, now kindergarten has a much more advanced curriculum requiring parents to work with their children before beginning school. This book is wonderful and again I would like to stress is a MUST for all parents and grandparents looking for that perfect educational tool before sending our children off to the first day of school.

When my daughter was small I tried to find the perfect tools to help her before sending her off to school and so wish this series had been available, I will make sure to purchase each for each grade level to help to assure my grandson is ready and is confident before he starts each grade level beginning with kindergarten. An additional plus for these books are that they are durable, they allow the children to write in them with a dry erase pen and wipe off with ease for future practice over and over again.

Again I would like to say these are GREAT and are a MUST and come highly recommended!!

I found both of these in this series to be invaluable tools for our children’s education and a MUST, I applaud the series.
Quality Book Reviews

The Paper Mirror
by Dorien Grey
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Paper Mirror is the 10th installment in the Dick Hardesty mystery series. A gay mystery series that is so much more, this is a fantastic read and left me wishing I had began the series from the first one. This is the first in the series I have read and the author is talented, writing with such impact, his characters are so finely developed and believable, and the story is one that will have you hooked from the very first page.

The Paper Mirror is a quick read that is highly entertaining, Dick Hardesty is trying to adjust to fatherhood. Dorien Grey has penned a clever mystery one in which you as the reader can become actively involved in trying to solve along with Dick Hardesty. I would suggest starting with the first in the series and reading in order, I will be sure to pick up the other 9 in this series.

I highly recommend this to all who love a good mystery.

Be sure to click on the link below to watch the video for “The Paper Mirror” by Dorien Grey.

Quality Book Reviews

Tallulah Falls
by Christine Fletcher
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Tallulah Falls is a story of Tallulah Addy and her friend Maeve and the touching story of finding out who you are. Tallulah is left behind when Maeve takes off for Florida, but soon gets a message of urgency from her friend wanting her to bring her notebooks. Tallulah being the friend she is she immediately sets out to fine Maeve. Tallulah asks Derek to drive her and everything begins to fall apart, he leaves her with her bag which thankfully still holds the notebooks she is delivering to Maeve. She is broke and left on the side of the road, she is arrested and tries calling Maeve who is not answering.

The local veterinarian’s office is her link to help, she has a job at the clinic, she is staying with Ruth the receptionist and has found a romantic spark with Kyle who also works there; all of this coming from her bringing an injured dog in.

Tallulah Falls is beautifully written and I can find no faults with this wonderful story. The story is engaging, entertaining, and a true spectacular read.

I absolutely have fallen in love with this story, and have added a great new author to my favorite’s list, I look forward to many more by Christine Fletcher. It has been a honor and a delight reading and reviewing such an excellent story, thank you Christine and please keep them coming.
Quality Book Reviews

Hollywood Car Wash
by Lori Culwell
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Hollywood Car Wash is based on real stories however is a work of fiction. Lori has written a quick read that is entertaining with great humor, I found myself laughing out loud while reading this one.

Hollywood Car Wash is the first in the series and is a novel about a young actress Amy Spencer. Amy is starring in a TV pilot and to retain her part she must lose twenty pounds, lighten her hair making it blonder, new teeth and find her a super star boyfriend. She learns to retain her celebrity status she must lose herself.

The back cover of the book states “Inspired by true events, this shockingly accurate novel about the ins and outs of the hoolywood game will leave the reader wondering - who is Star?”

The next in the series is titled “Reality Check” and honestly I cannot wait for the release. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews about Hollywood Car Wash and can say without a doubt it is entertaining and a great read packed with humor.

I would like to thank Lori for sending me a review copy it has been a great pleasure reading and reviewing Hollywood Car Wash.
Quality Book Reviews

The Screaming Room
by Thomas O’Callaghan
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Dave Driscoll is the commander of the New York Police Departments homicide division, he buried his daughter six years ago after she was killed by a drunk driver, his wife had been at home in a coma, now he has buried his wife. Getting back to his life after trying to put the ghosts from his past aside there is a serial killer lose that is killing tourists in New York City, there are very bizarre killings as the victims are scalped and then posed at tourist sites, including a Ferris wheel, Brooklyn Bridge, and the zoo. And to add to all the twist and turns, the serial killer is not one person but a set of twins, identical twins that are of different genders, they are brother and sister.

If you are looking for a fast paced thriller with edge of your seat impact then look no further, this was a thrilling and engaging read. The author has done an excellent job and has done his research, once you start you will not be able to put this thriller down. An excellent thrilling and engaging read from the first page to the last. A must read and an astounding 5 stars!
Quality Book Reviews

by Rebeccca Scott
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Ghostwalk is Rebecca Scott’s debut novel which combines both fact and fiction. Ghostwalk is set in present day and the 17th century Cambridge, that mixes a beautiful love story as well as a historical investigation.

The story begins as Elizabeth Vogelsang is found floating in the river just below her garden with a prisim in her hand. Elizabeth was a Cambridge University historian, she was working on a manuscript involving Isaac Newton and the 17th century alchemists. Elizabeth’s son recruits Lydia to move into Elizabeth’s place and into finishing his mothers book. You will be amazed at the events that follow and at the discoveries Lydia makes along the way.

If you are looking for a thriller with romance, mystery, murder, and the supernatural this one will surely fill your desires. I found this one to be beautifully written and it is apparent that the author has done her research. I found that with Ghostwalk you must read with comprehension as it may leave you reading back through again to assure nothing was missed the first time.
Quality Book Reviews

The Secret of the Lonely Grave
by Albert A. Bell, Jr.
Ingalls Publishing Group, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-932158-79-3

Reviewed by Terry South for Armchairs

The Secret of the Lonely Grave is a fictional story with a real setting. The setting is in southern Kentucky just a few miles from the Tennessee state line, in the area known as the Land Between the Lakes. The authors wife’s family has a houseboat on Lake Barkley and enjoyed fishing, Albert was not fond of fishing so decided to take a walk instead. He found himself walking through a cemetery near the lake and discovered a tombstone off by itself and began to wonder why it is off from the others. That is where the author begins his story of the Lonely Grave.

As the story begins to unfold Kendra and Steve are beginning their summer vacation, they pass by the cemetery on their way to the bus and the lonely grave just outside the cemetery. They begin to notice someone has been leaving flowers on the lonely grave. Kendra wants to become a detective one day and Steve wants to become a novelist so they join together to solve the mystery of the lonely grave and who has been placing the flowers. On their quest they discover that a college history professor has been the one leaving the flowers; soon the three begin to work together to solve the mystery by delving into research to discover the truth that lies behind the lonely grave of the young girl named Amanda.

The Secret of the Lonely Grave is a gripping, powerful and genuine page turner. The story has both a pacing and engaging plot all while the author incorporates history, family values and friendships formed. Bell’s characters are well defined and believable. If looking for an interesting and entertaining read look no further this one is sure to please and I give it 4.5 stars.
Quality Book Reviews

Feels Like Family
by Sherryl Woods
MIRA Books
ISBN: 0-7783-2436-2
Reviewed by Terry South for Cata Romance

Helen Decatur has always set goals for her life and has achieved those goals; she made her way through law school, opened her own practice and is a highly respected matrimonial attorney in South Carolina. Now at the age of 42 she feels she has let life pass her by, now she wants a family and a child of her own. Helen has set back and watched her two best friends living with their husbands and their children and she desires the same life, but having seen so many devastating divorces she has held off till now.

Helen’s friend Dana Sue owns a restaurant and Erik is the pastry chef, Erik has a pain filled past and has avoided romance. There is a chemistry between Helen and Erik even amongst their arguments you can feel their romantic attraction. Will Helen and Erik unite? Or will Erik’s painful past prevent him from discovering a romantic spark with Helen? Will Helen have the family she so desires?

Feels Like Family is the third in the trilogy of The Sweet Magnolias. You will find some wonderful and interesting characters, love, romance, suspense and sexual tensions making this one difficult to put down. The plot is intriguing and fast paced, and this one is a fascinating and highly enjoyable read all while looking at some very realistic issues which face women in their late 30’s and early 40’s everyday.

I highly recommend picking up the trilogy of The Sweet Magnolias, I have not had the pleasure of reading the other two in this trilogy but found this one to be highly enjoyable and I will be picking up the first two in this trilogy.

5 stars
Quality Book Reviews

by Rick R Reed
ISBN: 1932300791

Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

IM is a psychological thriller about an online community where a predator has been and continues the hunt for his next victim. Gay men looking for partners via the world wide web are now being hunted by this predator and he has a way of seducing his prey that no man can refuse. What does IM stand for exactly? is it instant messaging or instant murder? Maybe it mean inevitable murder once you have been seduced by this mad man.

Ed Comparetto is a gay Chicago police officer and is called in to investigate the first discovered murder. Timothy Bright is the victims friend and the one who reported the murder and Ed takes his statement only to later receive a call from his boss, and when this happens especially in the early morning hours and his day off can only spell trouble. Ed is fired for falsifying statements, seems as if Timothy Bright has been dead for two years and could not have been the one listed on Ed’s report as having gave a statement. now Ed must prove his innocence in order to get his job back, but will he be able to solve this before it is all to late? Now that Ed is off the case and off the job is the predator free to continue his lust of murdering gay men?

IM is one intense and super wild thrilling ride so hold on tight, I guarantee you will be on the edge of your seat. IM is superbly written with an intense plot line, great characters and is detailed and moves forward with astonishing speed taking you places you wish only existed in the movies. Reed delivers a novel that is engaging and thrilling while dealing with dark issues that reveals his true talent and a story that will stay with you long after reading the last page. While there were some typos in the book this should not deter you, this is a super entertaining and thrilling read and well worth overlooking a few typos.

A definite and astounding 5 stars! I must caution that the story is vivid in detail and gore and is not for the faint hearted.
Quality Book Reviews

June Bug A Murder-by-Month Mystery
by Jess Lourey

ISBN-10: 0738709123
Midnight Ink

The setting is Battle Lake, Minnesota and Mira James is trying to recover from a break up. Mira works as a reporter for a local paper and is trying to solve the mystery of missing diamonds, what she uncovers leads to a bigger mystery than ever expected. They have planted fake diamonds at the bottom of the lake but Mira discovers is a fake body, what is going on? Is this all a hoax or is there something sinister happening?

June Bug is the second in the series. Jess Lourey has penned a very well written series and a good murder mystery with a touch of humor. Her characters are well developed and believable. If you are looking for a highly enjoyable read look no further, this one is great and is highly recommended. I am heading out to get the first of the Murder-by-Month Mystery entitled “May Day”.

Jess Lourey is a full-time college instructor of writing and sociology, a single mother of an eight and five-year-old, and a mystery writer with three books coming out within a 13-month period, to be such a busy woman she sure has a way with writing highly enjoyable and entertaining mysteries.
Quality Book Reviews

The Kabbalist
by Dov Silverman
ISBN: 1425709001
Xlibris Corp.

The Kabbalist is published in 5 different languages. This novel deals with good and evil, rewards and punishment and life after death. The Kabbalist is a Rabbi and both his son and his sons fiancee have died and now the Rabbi’s faith is being challenged. This is a compelling story full of intrigue and is engaging and is a heart felt story. The story deals with the long historical controversy between the different religions.

Dov Silverman conveys moral concepts, hopes, dreams and ideas and is very well written. It is fast paced and you will find it very difficult to put down once you have started. Uniquely written where the stories outcome rests with the reader. Dov Silverman resides in Israel with his wife.

A highly recommended read which holds a very different twist in the end. This is a definite 5 stars and a must.
Quality Book Reviews
Cimmerian City
by Rae Lindley

The setting is Arizona, and Raven Blackheart is a Crow Indian from California, Raven is a college student that is haunted by bad dreams and strange feelings. Raven lost her mother when she was five and went to live with her father and sister, now it seems once again her life is being upset by the current happenings. She is missing class, turning in assignments late and just is not measuring up to what she could and should be. Thank goodness for Jack, Jack is Raven’s boyfriend and roommate and he believes in her and supports her but lately does not understand her short fuse.

As the many events unfold within the pages we are confronted with Tech Corporation, a pharmaceutical company, a drug Delanin with some very uncanny side effects. This is one story that has a high impact punch, a great plot that is fast paced and so intriguing that you cannot put this one down. Within the covers of this book you will discover a variety of crisis which is in the minds of everyone including global warming, war, violence, pollution, medical, pharmaceuticals and economical issues.

Cimmerian City is an intense read with many layers and issues to uncover throughout this story. I look forward to her future releases in this trilogy. This is another highly recommended read and a definite 5 stars.
Quality Book Reviews

Chasing Eden
by S.L. Linnea

Chasing Eden begins with the war in Iraq. The story leads us up to the days just before the war when some ancient artifacts have been stolen from the museum. Army Chaplain Jamie Richards has the ability to read the ancient cuneiforms but as the story moves forward Jamie finds herself a target.

Jamie has been reunited with an old friend Adara Dunbar only later to lose her friend forever. Adara is killed during an ambush and the assassin has a message for Jamie. What is the message? Will Jamie survive or will she be taken out by the assassin?

Chasing Eden is fast paced, with good characters which are believable as well as interesting. The story contains a steady flow of action and suspense which makes this an engaging read. The author has done her research and the backdrop involving Iraq is portrayed with vivid detail.
Quality Book Reviews
Acacia, Book One: The War With The Mein
by David Anthony Durham
ISBN-13: 978-0-385-50606-9
A Division of Random House, Inc.
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Acacian has ruled the Known World for twenty-one generations. Leodan Arkan is the ruler of the Known World and a widower; he has lived his life in the shadows of his ancestors and is bound by their actions. Now the Mein, the race that was exiled and vanquished to the frozen northern reaches of the empire plan to take over the Acacian empire.

Hanish Mein leads his people and launches surprise attacks across the Acacian empire. Hanish Mein will lead his people out of exile and back into Acacia. Leodan is assassinated and his four children must be separated and are scattered to different corners of the empire. The Mein triumph and win over acacia. Now Leodan’s children Aliver the former heir to the throne, Corinn the eldest daughter, Mena the youngest sister and Dariel the youngest brother begin their quest to avenge their fathers’ death. They will unite and rise to free Acacia and restore the Acacian empire.

Durham weaves an intricate web among all of his characters. The story has a steady flow of action and suspense which makes this an engaging and exciting read. He has an immense writing skill of incorporating a fantasy that is in a sense historical and a political thriller. Acacia is the first in this new trilogy.

Durham has penned an incredibly engaging story, if you crave an imaginatively crafted story that will grab you and not let go, this is it. I anxiously await the next in this new trilogy.
Quality Book Reviews

Rear View Mirror
by Cindy Callinsky
ISBN: 978-1-4116-9595-5
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Rear View Mirror is an autobiography by Cindy Callinsky and is a moving and great inspirational account of her life. The story is told in the first person and the author has a way of drawing you into the accounts of her life. The story tells one of love lost, the loss of her mother, and of heartbreak. You will travel cross country and abroad with Cindy. She describes the story contained within the pages as her perception and her reality. In the very beginning she states the following: “This is based on a true story; however, “my” perception is “my” reality. How I have portrayed my story is how I perceived it after having absorbed things with my senses and then processed them through my way of thinking. Other parties involved may have perceived things differently due to a different thought process”.

I will have to commend and applaud Cindy on not only her ability to tell her story but in being able to share her life experiences and emotional roller coaster type life. Of course we all experience a roller coaster type life full of ups and downs, loss of love, loss of family and friends, but Cindy has chose to share hers with us. I found myself teary eyed in one moment and smiling the next. Thank you Cindy for sharing your story with me it was a pleasure to read and provide a review.

The book contains some off colored language that may not be suitable for all readers.
Quality Book Reviews

A Wild and Woolly Night
by Lorraine Lynch Geiger
Illustrated by Sharon Vargo
The RGU Group
Children’s book, Fiction, 32 pages, $15.95
ISBN-10: 1891795252
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

“A Wild and Woolly Night” is a children’s picture book for children ages 4 to 12. A hardback edition with a cover that is beautifully illustrated with a boy in his bed surrounded by a variety of animals.

This is an enchanting story of a little boy named Phillip, he is different from most children as he is eager to go to bed and sleep. But Phillip’s bed time is a great adventure filled with different animals with each change of his bed covers.

Every page leads to a different adventure and discovery of a new animal: “he found a purple spread with tiny polliwogs. But when he climbed back into bed They all grew into frogs.” The pages are beautifully illustrated and the stories rhyme which will delight both you and your child. The art work is superb and will ignite the imaginations of all. A highly recommended children’s book that can be enjoyed by the entire family and will make the perfect bed time story.

Lorraine Lynch Geiger is the mother of five, grandmother to fifteen and resides in Sebring, Florida, and spends part of the year where she was born in Newfoundland, Canada. She has published a young adult novel “Trouble at the Blueberry Patch”, and is a prize winning poet.

Sharon Vargo is the illustrator of many children’s books. She is also the author and illustrator of “Senor Felipe’s Alphabet Adventure”. She has also had her acrylic paintings appear in magazines, murals and limited edition prints. She currently resides in Carmel, Indiana with her husband, and their pet frog named Romeo, they have four grown sons. She graduated from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.
Quality Book Reviews

Stone Pizza
by Susan K. Mitchell
Illustrated by McNevin Hayes
The RGU Group
Children’s book, fiction, 29 pages, $15.95
ISBN-10: 1-891795-26-0
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

“Stone Pizza” is a children’s picture book for children ages 4 to 12. A hardback book with a cover that is beautifully illustrated with a coyote on the cover wearing a purple bandanna with yellow polka-dots, a pair of green sunglasses and holding a stone pizza.

A delightful tale involving the critters of the desert where food is hard to find. Coyote finds no hospitality when he wanders into that stretch of the highway in the desert. The story of Stone Pizza focuses on team work and sharing. The book is engaging and a pure delight and offers a wonderful cast of characters.

The pages are filled with bold and vibrant imaginative illustrations, the art work is superb to ignite the child’s imagination. I highly recommend this children’s book, both you and your children will enjoy reading this story together time and time again all while delivering a great lesson of sharing and team work.

Susan K. Mitchell is a full time preschool teacher with two young daughters of her own. Stone Pizza is her first published children’s picture book. She has written for several children’s magazines, she also writes monthly for Style & Living magazine. She has also written non-fiction books, and a biography of actor Will Smith. She currently resides in Texas with her husband and their two daughters.

McNevin Hayes currently resides in Pittsford, New York with his wife and their son. His artwork has appeared in magazines, murals and galleries.
Quality Book Reviews

Is There a Hole in the Boat? Tales of Travel in Panama without a car
by Darrin DuFord
Booklocker.com, Inc. (June 16, 2006) , 196 pages, $13.95
ISBN-13: 978-1591139973
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Is There a Hole in the Boat? is the authors account of traveling through Panama using the same transportation methods that are used by the locals. Those methods of transportation include bus, by foot, riding in the back of trucks through paved and unpaved roads. The author introduces us to Panama’s history, ecology and the indigenous people of the country as well.

This book is about his experiences and discoveries made while traveling Panama on three seperate occassions. DuFord mixes with the locals, samples everything, the food, drink and experiences their cultures, observes the peoples everyday lives and participates in their traditional celebrations.

Darrin DuFord writes his accounts with vivid descriptive detail, making this a engaging read. This is not to be confused with your normal travel guide of rating places to stay and eat. DuFord takes us on a journey into the lives and cultures of the Panama people and makes this both an enjoyable as well as an educational reading selection.

Quality Book Reviews

Slaying the Mouse: A True Story of Healing in the Spiritual Realms
by Wendy Stofan Halley
Non-fiction, 144 pages, $18.00
ISBN: 1847283993
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Wendy Stofan Halley is a talented practitioner as well as a talented writer, she is a practitioner in the indigenous healing methods and has the unique ability to be in touch with another persons subconscious by spiritual means. Slaying the Mouse is a true story that will astound as well as amaze you. You will learn how Wendy was able to help a nineteen year old man whom she calls Jason in order to protect his identity his name has been changed. Wendy’s brother Tim is dating Jason’s sister and they need Wendy’s help, so Wendy’s father calls to ask for the much needed help. Her father does not quite understand exactly what she does but he has enormous faith in her abilities.

Jason has slipped into a deep coma and Wendy develops a spiritual connection with him to help him heal over the distance that separates them. Wendy’s ability allows her to spiritually connect with Jason, talk with him, and to help him begin to face and understand his fears and to overcome those fears. The story is an account of roughly a nine month spiritual healing process. Wendy’s is in constant contact with the family via email and is a very compassionate and caring lady. Have you ever wondered what patients know or hear while being in a coma state? What happens at the subconscious level? What experiences they may have while in the coma? Do they know you are there? Can they hear you when you speak to them?

Wendy Stofan Halley has penned a remarkable and miraculous story. She has developed a writing style that flows smoothly and includes vivid details which creates a powerful sensory image with the reader. The story is emotional, uplifting and a intriguing and engaging read. I found no faults and think both the concept and writing as a whole was excellent. The author writes the story in a first person narrative style which is superbly written.

I highly recommend Slaying the Mouse to everyone who has a desire to be amazed by a true story that will truly leave you in a state of awe.

Reading this title was a great pleasure!
Quality Book Reviews

Living The Truth
by Keith Ablow, MD
Little, Brown and Company
ISBN: 978-0-316-01781-7
Self-help, 307 pages, $25.99
Reviewed by Terry South for Armchair Interviews

Dr. Keith Ablow tells as well as shows us how ignoring or even burying painful memories and experience can affect every aspect of our lives negatively. In “Living The Truth” he presents strategies and exercises to help you transform the pain of the past into the power of your future.

In the beginning he describes this as “your journey” as being one of a working partnership with him. He presents you with exercises where you write down your thoughts and feelings as well as answering questions throughout the entire book. You are able to write your answers within the pages of the book itself as he has provided adequate space with lined pages. If you prefer to preserve your copy to pass onto a friend or family member I would suggest you record your answers within a journal or a notebook, plus this will provide privacy so no one else sees what you have answered.

Dr. Ablow’s core message is that no one has a perfect life and states that everyone has pain in which they must overcome. He has many strategies to help you overcome the negatives and to face your conflicts head on which will give you more control over your life experiences. He describes his book as his “most ambitious attempt to help people do what I finally did – face the truth about the past, however uncomfortable, sad, or frightening – and experience the remarkable power that comes from that journey.”

Living The Truth is a book that tells you as well as shows you how to change your life. This book is idea for the people who feel their lives are way off track, maybe feeling a little depressed, down on their luck, or even just the general down feeling, or the feeling of everything in your life is going wrong. Or for those of us that wish to make a positive change in our lives. He has a very easy reading style, while incorporating explanations, examples and simple steps to follow. He beams with positive energy. I highly recommend reading it and giving it a try, you have nothing to lose except maybe some pain.

Dr. Ablow is a powerful writer and he empowers you to embrace reality about the painful times of your life experiences. He describes to us how to face our own individual life stories and to feel the pain and then push forward and grow beyond the pain. This is a journey of self-discovery which he presents in such a concise way making one want to live the truth. I found the exercises to be very helpful and I have started Living The Truth. He is one of the leading voices in America on healing and delivering the message that no one has a perfect life. Why not start your self-discovery by choosing to Live The Truth today.

Keith Ablow, MD., psychiatrist and host of the Dr. Keith Ablow Show, and is a New York Times best-selling author. He graduated from
Brown University and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and is on the faculty of New England Medical Center in Boston, he has appeared on the Today show and many other shows numerous times, and is a leading authority in his field.

Quality Book Reviews

The Eye of Alloria
by Rae Lindley
ISBN: 978-0-9793674-0-3
Illustrated Novella, 107 pages
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Eye of Alloria takes place in the late 21st century here on Earth. With new technological advances man has been able to create machines that merge with bodies of their fallen comrades.

After the banning of technology the ruler of Orland, Saron Bravewind learns his daughter has an incurable illness. Saron is now on the search of finding a higher life to help his daughter. Will he find what he is looking for or will he find something so unthinkable?

Lindley has penned a novella that encompasses both fantasy and science fiction. Her characters are interesting and distinctive. She has a great imagination as well as the ability to ignite the imagination of her readers. The Eye of Alloria contains two of Lindley’s talents; her artwork enhances the plot, each complimenting the other.

Rachel “Rae” Lindley is a writer, artist and filmmaker. She currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

Quality Book Reviews

Bridge of the Gods
book 1 of 6
by Len Robertson
ISBN: 0-595-12418-6 $26.95
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Bridge of the Gods follows Mary Brown, a middle aged divorced mother that finds her life turned upside down. One Saturday morning she finds herself not only carjacked but kidnapped as well. She is taken into the world of Galatia. Here she finds herself in a new body with new abilities and a new fate that awaits her.

Mary learns she has been wisked away to this new world in order to save it. But Mary’s life becomes more complicated when she meets Fred as his expectations of her saving the world are stern. Will Mary be able to save this world with her new found abilities?

Robertson has developed a steady plot as well as some very interesting characters. Bridge of the Gods is an entertaining read, although the book has a few typos, it is very well written. I look forward to reading book 2.
Quality Book Reviews

Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey
by Chuck Palahniuk
ISBN: 978-0-385-51787-4
$24.95 319 pages
Review by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

I am having a really rough time writing a review for this one. I could sum the review up in 2 words or 20 pages. The 2 words are: Mind Blowing, this is one book that I will keep and add to my collection. Words just really cannot describe how I felt reading this. I have never read anything by Chuck Palahniuk and really had never heard of him until requesting this one for review, needless to say I am adding him to my favorite author list, and will be dishing out some major bucks to get all of his earlier books. (lol)

Will try to have the review up by this weekend, even if it is the two words above MIND BLOWING as this was one mind blowing experience and my head is still spinning and the wheels in my brain are ever so constantly turning.

As you can see the cover art is intriguing and enticing which originally drew me to read the blurb in the catalog before requesting this one for review.

Quality Book Reviews

The Sacred Bones
By Michael Byrnes
ISBN: 0061146072
$24.95 – Hardcover – 304 pages
Harper Collins Publishers
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Sacred Bones is set at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. An ancient artifact is stolen from a vault beneath the Temple Mount. The theft has left many soldiers and policemen dead, leaving the Palestinians angry; tensions run high between the Israelis and the Palestinians.Charlotte Hennesey, an American forensic scientist has been hired by the Vatican to examine the ossuary which contains the bones of an unknown man who was crucified. Charlotte is joined by Giovanni Bersei, an Italian anthropologist and together they uncover forensic and genetic data that lead them to wonder if the bones could be those of Jesus.

As Charlotte and Giovanni become closer to solving the true identity of the man in which these bones once belonged, the Vatican’s security begins to have a much greater watchful eye on her. Are the bones discovered those of Jesus? Will the Vatican allow the information on the discovering or keep the secrets hidden? With her identifying the man these bones once belonged to, will Charlotte be silenced?

Byrnes has penned a superbly crafted debut novel that tantalizes with a sense of drama and of suspense as the story races forward. It is evident that he has done a great deal of research which combines historical fact and protreptic fiction. Byrnes novel is powerful and opens an emotional vein in you leaving you with the desire to read through to the end.

Michael Byrnes currently resides in New Jersey with his wife and two daughters. Byrnes attended Montclair State University in NJ and earned his undergraduate degree in marketing, and later his graduate degree in business administration at Rutgers. The Sacred Bones is his debut novel.

This was one explosive and thrilling 5 star read and one genuine page-turner to the very end.

Quality Book Reviews

The Black Sheep
by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout
ISBN: 978-1-4231-0156-7
YA, Fiction: Ages 12 and up
Hyperion Books for Children
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Black Sheep is a funny and entertaining read. The setting is New York and then off to California. It begins as Kendra Bishop a fifteen year old who has had enough of her parents and all their rules; they even keep a binder filled with these rules. There is a reality TV show that offers teens a chance to swap families, so Kendra decides to write to the show for her chance to get away from it all. The winner is chosen on the basis of the most pathetic letter written, Kendra is excited to find she has actually won.

Kendra is taken from her apartment in Manhattan to California to live with the Mulligan family. They are so different, the parents are both hippies, have five children and a pet ferret. Kendra learns quickly the chaos of sharing a bathroom with so many, having to watch her belongings, and living with a ferret that wants to sleep in her bed. But her biggest problem is the pushy producer who will do anything to get higher ratings. And to top all of this Kendra falls for one of the Mulligan’s, Mitch who is seventeen and despises everything this show stands for. Will Kendra win Mitch over or will things continue to decline for her?

Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout bring us a cast of characters who are engaging and winsome. The story is well crafted and pulls the reader into the conflicted feelings and reasoning of Kendra so well.
Quality Book Reviews

Mr. Sebastian and the Negro Magician
by Daniel Wallace
ISBN: 978-0-305-52109-3 $21.95
Fiction, July 2007
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The stories setting is a rural southern one, and the story occurs in the middle of the twentieth century. It begins in May of 1954, Henry is just a boy and he meets with a devilish magician named Mr. Sebastian. Mr. Sebastian teaches Henry magic and all the secrets pertaining to the magic. But at what price will Henry have to pay for those magic lessons?

Daniel Wallace is a master story teller and we eventually learn the true identities of Henry and Mr. Sebastian and the tragic events that occurred throughout the story. The story is told by many of the different characters, and Wallace has a skill of using each of these characters in telling Henry’s story.

Wallace writes with impact and the story is superbly crafted with twists and turns leaving you with a great sense of anticipation, making this a real page turner. The conclusion is one that will leave you breathless.

Daniel Wallace was born in Birmingham, Alabama. He attended Emory University and the University of North Carolina, and now lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina with his wife and son. Daniel Wallace is the author of Four novels: Mr. Sebastian and The Negro Magician, Big Fish, Ray in Reverse and The Watermelon King. And Mr. Sebastian and the Negro Magician, will be published by Doubleday in July 2007.

Quality Book Reviews

The Opium Of The People
by J Alan Erwine
Nomadic Delirium Press
ISBN: 1-4196-2588-8 $15.99
Fiction, 156 pages
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Opium Of The People is the third edition of the novel to be printed. Along with corrections made to the two prior editions there was a change to the cover art, the cover is a piece from the artist Laura Givens entitled “Come to Jesus”.

The Opium Of The People’s basic premise of the novel was intriguing. This is a story of how the world as we know it could very well change. What if the American government was overthrown, what would we or could we do? The author tells a story of the American people falling under the control of what he calls “a radical right-wing fundamentalist christian government”. This new government is ruled by the Grand Patriarchs who take away freedom and enforces a law that we would never have imagined possible. He tells of a world full of gloom, torture and one filled with danger for all. He also tells of how the best of people must resort to extreme measures in an effort to regain control of their futures before its too late. Or is it too late? You will have to pick up a copy and read this one for yourself, as mentioned at the beginning of the review this is the third printing of the title and was originally written and published before the current crisis we face now happened.

J Alan Erwine has a plot line that is creative, and he exhibits excellent writing skills and can effectively tell a story. The characters are multidimensional and realistic. Although the book still has a few errors and typos, it is very well written.

J Alan Erwine currently resides in Colorado. He has published more than three dozen short stories and has published 2 short story collections.

Quality Book Reviews

Must Of Got Lost
by Jerry Girard
ISBN: 978-1-59872-795-1
Reviewed by: Gary

This is one great book, if you love the music from the late 70s and early 1980s you will really want to pick this up and read it.

The author mentions alot of wonderful artists like Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Kiss ZZ Top, and many, many more. Reading this book brought back such great memories from a wonderful time in my life.

The book also tells the story of Mick and the split of his parents where at least he is able to turn to his friends and garage band members for support, like so many of us back in the day. That time in our lives when friends, girls, and rock and roll were what was the most important things to us rockers. Our music, concerts and fun and hanging out and listening to music and some of us even trying to be band members ourselves.

The author has a way of writing that will take you back to those days, remembering the great bands, the club life, and the greatest concerts of all time. I highly recommend this for all those who love the best music from the best years. And for all the rock and roll fans everywhere.

Jerry you rock!
Quality Book Reviews

JK Rowling’s last book in the Harry Potter series, Book 7 “Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows”

The scheduled release date is July 21, 2007.

Sales are expected to be quite high so I suggest if you want the last in the Harry Potter series that you pre-order your copy today. I pre-ordered my copy over 2 months ago and am anxious for the release date.

Quality Book Reviews

Edgar Font’s Hunt For A House To Haunt
Adventure One: The Castle Tower Lighthouse
by Patrick H. T. Doyle
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

An enchanting story that introduces Garrett and Audrey to some pretty wondrous adventures that delivers a positive message to children everywhere. Garret and Audrey are brother and sister, and as they head to China to join their father they have no clue of the great adventure that lies ahead. The children usually stay with their aunt while their father is off on his trips as an architect but this year the children’s aunt is asked to join their father for the summer in China. The children end up spending most of their time with Edgar Font, their grandfather. Edgar is on a quest of finding the perfect place to haunt when he passes away, and their summer adventures begin, their adventures will be remembered a lifetime. Their first adventure begins at an abandoned lighthouse which is full of puzzles, ghosts and mystery. As their adventure continues through the lighthouse they must rely on everything they know and the lessons that they have learned along the way to ensure they will make it out without being harmed.

The Castle Tower Lighthouse is a children’s book that everyone will fall in love with no matter your age. The author writes with such skill that lights an imaginitative spark in the reader. The illustrations are absolutely wonderful and the message the story delivers is of a positive one. This is sure to be a series you will want to keep and treasure for years to come. I intend to collect each in the series for my grandson to enjoy, which I am sure will ignite another book lover in our family. I cannot wait until Edgar Font’s Hunt For a House To Haunt Adventure Two: The Fakersville Power Station comes out in July. I am ready to enjoy another great adventure with Edgar Font on his search for the perfect place to haunt.

You will not want to miss the website and blog devoted to Edgar Font, they will add to your enjoyment, check them out at:



The blogspot gives you so much informative information, which includes how the author came up with the story. Here you will find the information about Edgar Font, Audrey and Garrett. Be sure to read the top 10 questions that are asked relating to the story as you will find some very interesting facts.

The Edgar Font series is highly recommended for everyone. It has been such an honor and a pleasure to be able to review such a treasure that will be added to my collection to pass on from generation to generation. A message to the author: not only have you created such a great story for children, you have accomplished reaching readers of all ages with this series and need to be commended. I personally thank you, Bravo!

The author has created a treasured collection for readers of all ages!!!!!

Quality Book Reviews

Lethally Blond
by Kate White
ISBN-13: 978-0446577953
Bailey Weggins Mystery, 336 pages
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Lethally Blond is by Cosmopolitans magazine editor in chief Kate White. A Bailey Weggins Mystery.

Bailey Weggins is the Buzz gossip magazine reporter, she reports celebrity crimes. She is asked to hunt down a missing actor by an old friend. Tom Fain has disappeared and Chris Wickersham and Tom both are on the TV show called Morgue. But when Tom vanishes without a trace Chris contacts Bailey to help track Tom down.

Bailey and Chris soon learn that Tom has been having an affair with the producers girlfriend and that he has recently withdrawn seven thousand dollars cash. Bailey turns up a lead which takes her to Tom’s family home in New York. What she finds is a deceased Tom, now it seems as if the TV show Morgue may be reality TV. What other disappearances are in store for Bailey from the Morgue? Will Bailey and Chris’s old flame re-ignite? What lies ahead for Bailey? To get the answers to these questions I post you will need to read Lethally Blond, you will not be disappointed.

Kate White has a good plot and the characters are detailed and believable. White writes with a flare for telling a story that is humorous and entertaining. This is a superbly crafted read and is a genuine page turner that offers a mix of romance and mystery.

Quality Book Reviews

Simple Genius
By David Baldacci
ISBN-10: 0446580341
ISBN-13: 978-0446580342
Washington Political Thriller, 432 pages
Reviewed by Terry South, Quality Book Reviews

The setting is Washington, D.C. and Virginia, and it all begins when Michelle Maxwell who is struggling with emotional problems and finds herself in the midst of a barroom brawl and ends up being arrested and put in jail. Michelle agrees to seek therapy in a psychiatric private clinic. Michelle has some demons that haunt her and she must seek help before it is to late, or before someone ends up dead.

Sean King is Michelle’s partner, they both are former Secret Service Agents, and as Sean watches Michelle’s decline he is in need of some very needed extra funds which he is lacking. Sean accepts an assignment from an old girlfriend at her Investigation Agency and takes on the new assignment which is to investigate a mysterious death in Virginia. His assignment takes him to a place called Babbage Town where he investigates the shooting near the CIA training center. As the investigation continues Sean begins to discover more accidents and apparent suicides that have taken place.

Michelle checks out of the psychiatric facility and teams up with Sean in Virginia. As the story continues to unfold Sean and Michelle are up against major corruption and must save an innocent girl before time runs out and they must expose the corruption that is occurring at the CIA training camp before it is to late. Will they be able to save Viggie, and will they unlock the hidden dangerous secrets that seem to be locked in her memory? What is this major corruption? Is our nation safe?

David Baldacci’s characters are finely tuned and are well developed, compelling and memorable. He has a gripping plot and incorporates twists and turns that will shock you. Baldacci has done a wonderful job in creating a thriller that is thought provoking and he manages to wrap everything up effortlessly so it all comes together. Reviewing this title was a great pleasure and is a highly recommended read.

Quality Book Reviews
Quality Book Reviews

The Wish Club
by Kim Strickland
Three Rivers Press
Crown Publishing Group
Reviewed by: Terry South for Bookpleasures

Wish Club is a zany and witty story that you are sure to love. It involves five women, Claudia, Lindsay, Gail, Mara and Jill who are members of a book club. Their book club seems just like any other book club, five women sitting around talking, drinking wine, and even discussing the book they have been reading. Things in their book club had been going rather well until one of the women in the group introduces a book on witchcraft. Being out of the norm, the women are intrigued and decide to go ahead and try their luck at casting a few spells. They start out with a small spell that is to chant and the rain will stop; then they begin to chant and the rain does indeed stop. Due to their success they then decide to cast a spell on a cat that is a diabetic and the cat heals, its a miracle. The women decide to embrace their new found powers, now they begin to pursue their new powers further. The women decide to just make wishes to help out themselves in their daily lives, they wish for money, creativity, a baby, time to themselves and a perfect man. This all should be harmless as they are only focusing in on positive thinking and making wishes right?

Now instead of being called the book club they are the wish club. Claudia is a school teacher and wishes to have a baby of her own as soon as possible, she also wants to write a novel. Gail is a housewife and a mother of three and she wishes to have peace and quite time and to get her life back. Lindsay is a socialite and has a trust fund, she wishes to lose weight and wants to be in the Women’s Foundation spring fashion show. While Mara, a former singer wishes for money and to resume her singing career once again; and Jill, an artist wishes for creativity and inspiration, and a perfect man in her life.

As the Wish Club members get all too consumed with casting spells in order to improve the various areas of their lives they find themselves in a web of wishes that have gone haywire. What started as an innocent and fun set of small spells has now turned their lives inside out, and everything is out of control. Now they turn to the only person they can think of who might be able to help them get their lives back under control and regain some normalcy, a real witch, someone who can undo what they have done, undo their spells, and finally return their lives back to normal.

Kim Strickland is a pilot for a major airline flying 767s. Kim Strickland lives in Chicago with her husband, her twin boys, two cats and a dog.

Kim Strickland has developed her characters so well and they are so believable and charming and funny. The story line is great, and I can find no faults with this novel. It has been very well written, (cleverly written) and is highly entertaining. Wish Club is an enchanting read, I am recommending it for our reading group. The story is funny, smart and so intriguing. This is a perfect book club read. It is a magical, intriguing, humorous story and give it an astounding 5 stars.

Quality Book Reviews

The Bone Whistle
by Eva Swan
Juno Books
ISBN 10: 0-8095-5792-4
ISBN 13: 978-0-8095-5792-9
208 pages, $12.95
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

The setting is Lakota reservation in Greenview, South Dakota. Darly is a twenty year old and lives with her mother just outside of Denver. Every summer she accompanies her mother to an isolated cabin on the edge of Lakota reservation in South Dakota. This is no way for a college student to spend her summer vacation.

Darly is bored and has made the decision that this will be the last year she will accompany her mother to the reservation. Darly likes seeing Grandpa Jack and this year he gives her a bone whistle that has two blue feathers attached, he tells Darly when she gets good and bored to blow the whistle. She waits all of two weeks before blowing the whistle and learns the truth about her family and her father. She had believed her father was dead, but he is not dead nor human, but is wanaghi. Wanaghi are a shape changing people who left their tribes centuries before and now live in a magical land beneath the hill.

On the search for her father she is accompanied by Osni, but what she finds is a conflict among the wanaghi. Now she must choose her heart and feelings she has developed for Osni or her family. Will Darly be able to resolve the conflict between them? Before anything else she must discover own powers which puts her on a path of self-discovery.

Eva Swan combines both Native American and Celtic legends into a romantic fantasy. The author takes us through the story by different character perspectives. Her characters are believable and she maintains a good plot. This is Eva Swans debut fantasy novel, the only problem I found was that as a reader you need to pay attention as the author has point of view changes into different characters perspective which can cause some confusion while reading. I truly enjoyed the both the Native American and Celtic concepts she has incorporated into the story.

Eva Swan is the pseudonym for the author, editor, and artist, who is of Native American descent, who currently reside in England. I was unable to locate a website for the author to include with the review.

Quality Book Reviews

Gun Shy
by Ben Rehder
St. Martin's
ISBN: 0-312-35752-4
Reviewed by: Terry South

Gun Shy is the fifth novel in this mystery series featuring game warden John Marlin. The setting is Blanco County, Texas and it begins as the National Weapons alliance and director Dale Stubbs gear up for the big rally. The rally is supporting Americans with the right to carry concealed weapons. This is a controversial subject to say the least, but the author has brought humor into the mix and makes light of both sides, remember this is a work of fiction. This rally is expected to be on a grand scale and the NWA's spokesman is none other than Mitch Campbell.

Mitch is hosting the rally at his Blanco County ranch and will be performing the NWA's anthem and his number one hit single "My Cold Dead Hands", but he is no real cowboy, in fact he is an impostor; his agent thought the persona would boost his record sales, deceitful yes. This deceit could end up in a disaster or could make Mitch a big hit. Mitch's true identity is that of Norman Klienschmidt from Middlebury, Vermont so he is not even from Texas. Will Mitch be able to keep up his hidden identity or will he falter and make a huge mistake?

Due to Mitch's devious actions and all too fake persona, he has turned to drugs to cope and the drugs are clouding his thinking. He soon becomes paranoid, believing his life is in danger and ends up shooting his gardener. But when the dead Mexican turns up, game warden John Marlin and law enforcement officials are on the case. As Marlin begins checking into the murder a new series of events begin taking place, these events may bring Mitch down as well as the NWA.

Rehder has well developed characters, a strong story line with a very good plot as well as sub-plots. He has created some unexpected twists that will keep you guessing. Rehder does not take an extreme position on questions of gun control and he pokes fun at both sides equally in the book. He presents a comical crime fiction series, that is humorous and entertaining.

It was a great pleasure to review such a witty crime fiction series. I now need to get the other four books in this series. This was the first title I have reviewed from this author and now am hooked. If your looking for a humorous and entertaining read I highly recommend picking up a copy of Gun Shy as it is an enjoyable read.

I believe this deserves a big star with 5 points, (here I am trying to be humorous). A definite 5 stars!

Quality Book Reviews

The Strangeling
by Saskia Walker
Juno Books
ISBN: 978-0-8095-5793-6 $9.95
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

The setting is Edren a fantasy world created by the author who has a magical imaginative spark in storytelling.

The Strangeling is an erotic fantasy novel that revolves around Maerose, a beautiful young woman with magical powers. Maerose is the heroine and Bron is her hero. Bron is an elder and goes on the quest of rescuing Maerose from her captor, Veldor who is a former elder himself. Veldor’s intentions are malicious as he seeks to mate with Maerose in order to master the demons and rule the lands.

Veldor is knowledgeable on the prophecy made around 100 years ago; the prophecy is one of a chilling nature where the undead armies of Crondor and Yaxlan rise up from the underworld with great power. As the prophecy has foretold of a maiden that can save the forest and the elders all believe this to be Maerose due to the revelations revealed about the prophecy. Will good conquer evil or will evil prevail in this fascinating fantasy?

The Strangeling is a short fantasy novel that is packed with vivid details and a precise amount of action. Walker writes the story with impact and the story is a superbly crafted erotic fantasy. The characters are well developed with detail and the author manages to tie the characters together well.

This is the first of the author’s works I have had the pleasure of reviewing and have to admit I am hooked. I look forward to her new release next month which is also a fantasy entitled “Unveiling The Sorceress”.

Saskia Walker is a British author of erotic romance, fantasy and erotica. Her idea for this novel began at a tender age of between 8 and 9 when she first became interested in paganism and her parents took her to visit Stonehenge.

Saskia Walker earned her BA with honors from the University of Sussex, and has a MA in Literature and Visual Arts from the University of Reading. She currently resides north of London with her true love Mark.

A Magical 5 stars for The Stangeling!

Quality Book Reviews
QBR (Quality Book Reviews) has just opened a new forum dedicated to and for authors as well as readers alike. I would like to invite everyone to drop by check it out and offer any suggestions to make this a better place for all. The new forum has a little of everything including a place where authors may drop in introduce yourselves, introduce your works, new releases, upcoming titles, and add links to your sites and blogs.


For readers we are developing a reading group, reading guides, open discussions, etc...

The forum categories added so far include:
Books & Novels
Quality Book Reviews

Under each of the forum categories is a wide variety of sub-categories for everyone's enjoyment.

We have also added a live chat and as we grow further would love to schedule live chats between authors and their readers.

We also would like to add to our schedule interviews with various authors to be placed on the forum as well as our site so that their readers can learn more about their favorite authors.

Thank you and I look forward to your comments and suggestions.


Quality Book Reviews
Quality Book Reviews

Anatomy of Fear
By Jonathan Santlofer
ISBN: 978-0-06-088197-9 $24.95
William Morrow
An Imprint of Harper Collins
10 East 53rd St., New York, NY 10022
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

As an added bonus be sure to check out the video trailer starring the author Jonathan Santlofer and his artwork:

(also on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaL97PkP1hs)

Also check out the HarperCollins sweepstakes where the winner gets their portrait sketched by Jonathan Santlofer:

The setting is New York and Terri Russo a detective for the NYPD is called to the scene of a murder where she discovers a sketch of the victim alongside the body. Russo is aided in her investigation by Nate Rodriguez, the police sketch artist.

Nate’s father was an undercover narc for the NYPD, Nate still very much disturbed by his fathers death, has managed to avoid doing any on the scene police work. All this is about to change as Nate is drawn into the case, and maybe even further than he could have imagined. Nate begins piecing together the face of the killer and he himself then becomes a target.

The killer also sketches people, his victims, and he uses his abilities to turn the investigation in a different direction. You will find this story erupts with some explosive twists, so hold on for a heart pounding ride.

Jonathan Santlofer is also an artist and has his works displayed in several locations including museums. He received his Masters of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute. Santlofer began writing in 1989 after a gallery fire claimed five years of his works. Anatomy of Fear contains both of his talents; his artwork enhances the strong compelling and intriguing plot, each complementing the other.

Santlofer has a steady flow of action and suspense with enough twists and turns to leave you with anticipation. The characters are distinctive and interesting with qualities that make them believable. The scenes are written with such a compelling impact that is gripping and makes this a genuine page turner to the end.

A guaranteed 5 star read.