Quality Book Reviews
Over the next few weeks the following book reviews will be posted so be sure to check back often or subscribe to the blog to get the latest reviews as they are posted.

The following book reviews will be posted in the following weeks (not in any particular order):

1. Vrolok (finished, just need to post review)

2. This Year You Write Your Novel

3. Must of Got Lost by Jerry Girard

4. A Dirty Business by Humphrey (finished, just need to post)

5. One...Two...Buckle My Shoe by P.K. Paranya

6. Toaster Pond by Peter de Witt (finished, just need to post)

7. Altered by Colleen Curran

8. The Bone Whistle by Eva Swan (finished, just need to post)

9. The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross (finished, just need to post)

10. The Strangeling by Saskia Walker (finished, just need to post)

11. The Book of Air and Shadows by Michael Gruber (finished, need post)

12. Ladykiller by Lawrence Light & Meredith Anthony

13. The Naming of the Dead by Ian Rankin (finished, need to post)

14. Murder Off the Books by Evelyn David

15. For a Few Demons More by Kim Harrison

16. Pattern of Vengenance by C. Hyytinen

17. Lost Echoes by Joe Lansdale (finished, just need to post)

18. Self's Deception by Bernhard Schlink

19. 13 Bullets by David Wellington

20. Wish Club by Kim Strickland

21. The Black Sheep by Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout

22. The New & Improved vivien leigh reid by Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout

23. Deep Storm by Lincoln Child (finished, just need to post)

24. Bicycle Shop Murder by Robert Burton Robinson

Just Finished Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill, Oh My! What to say on this one, WOW!!! A masterpiece thriller, I literally read this from front to back in one day, I just could not put it down, spine tingling, intriguing, enticing, , fascinating psychological ghost story. This is a MUST READ!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait for the next one. The review will be posted here on my blog later this evening.

Quality Book Reviews
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