Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten!
by Linda Desimowich and Stacey Kannenberg
Design: Dori Schmitz, Creative Direction
Illustrations: Joyce Bable-Worth, Two Bit Productions Inc
Printing Consultant: Tracey Jackson, Jackson Marketing and Printing Services, LLC
Web Design: Dave Pethan, Two Bit Productions Inc.
Consulting: Judy Bridges, Redbird Studio
Visual Consulting: Julie Thorn
Cedar Valley Publishing

For and by parents, kids and teachers.

Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten! is a must for all parents with young children, I myself as both a mother and grandmother highly recommend this for your children. This book is a must and one that I have been searching for, it is packed with great information, it is beautifully illustrated and was created with style.

“Parents wrote Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten! with approval from a panel of teachers and curriculum specialists as a solution to “no child left behind.” The book is 32 pages and is a dry-erase book for children ages 2 to 6. This book is great for parents and grandparents by allowing them to take an active role in their children’s education even before they enter school, allowing children to make the transition with confidence.

Most parents want to be involved with their children’s education but are unsure of what to do, kindergarten is not like it was when we were younger, now kindergarten has a much more advanced curriculum requiring parents to work with their children before beginning school. This book is wonderful and again I would like to stress is a MUST for all parents and grandparents looking for that perfect educational tool before sending our children off to the first day of school.

When my daughter was small I tried to find the perfect tools to help her before sending her off to school and so wish this series had been available, I will make sure to purchase each for each grade level to help to assure my grandson is ready and is confident before he starts each grade level beginning with kindergarten. An additional plus for these books are that they are durable, they allow the children to write in them with a dry erase pen and wipe off with ease for future practice over and over again.

Again I would like to say these are GREAT and are a MUST and come highly recommended!!

I found both of these in this series to be invaluable tools for our children’s education and a MUST, I applaud the series.
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