Quality Book Reviews

The Kabbalist
by Dov Silverman
ISBN: 1425709001
Xlibris Corp.

The Kabbalist is published in 5 different languages. This novel deals with good and evil, rewards and punishment and life after death. The Kabbalist is a Rabbi and both his son and his sons fiancee have died and now the Rabbi’s faith is being challenged. This is a compelling story full of intrigue and is engaging and is a heart felt story. The story deals with the long historical controversy between the different religions.

Dov Silverman conveys moral concepts, hopes, dreams and ideas and is very well written. It is fast paced and you will find it very difficult to put down once you have started. Uniquely written where the stories outcome rests with the reader. Dov Silverman resides in Israel with his wife.

A highly recommended read which holds a very different twist in the end. This is a definite 5 stars and a must.
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