Hollywood Car Wash
by Lori Culwell
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews
Hollywood Car Wash is based on real stories however is a work of fiction. Lori has written a quick read that is entertaining with great humor, I found myself laughing out loud while reading this one.
Hollywood Car Wash is the first in the series and is a novel about a young actress Amy Spencer. Amy is starring in a TV pilot and to retain her part she must lose twenty pounds, lighten her hair making it blonder, new teeth and find her a super star boyfriend. She learns to retain her celebrity status she must lose herself.
The back cover of the book states “Inspired by true events, this shockingly accurate novel about the ins and outs of the hoolywood game will leave the reader wondering - who is Star?”
The next in the series is titled “Reality Check” and honestly I cannot wait for the release. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews about Hollywood Car Wash and can say without a doubt it is entertaining and a great read packed with humor.
I would like to thank Lori for sending me a review copy it has been a great pleasure reading and reviewing Hollywood Car Wash.