by Rick R Reed
ISBN: 1932300791
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews
IM is a psychological thriller about an online community where a predator has been and continues the hunt for his next victim. Gay men looking for partners via the world wide web are now being hunted by this predator and he has a way of seducing his prey that no man can refuse. What does IM stand for exactly? is it instant messaging or instant murder? Maybe it mean inevitable murder once you have been seduced by this mad man.
Ed Comparetto is a gay Chicago police officer and is called in to investigate the first discovered murder. Timothy Bright is the victims friend and the one who reported the murder and Ed takes his statement only to later receive a call from his boss, and when this happens especially in the early morning hours and his day off can only spell trouble. Ed is fired for falsifying statements, seems as if Timothy Bright has been dead for two years and could not have been the one listed on Ed’s report as having gave a statement. now Ed must prove his innocence in order to get his job back, but will he be able to solve this before it is all to late? Now that Ed is off the case and off the job is the predator free to continue his lust of murdering gay men?
IM is one intense and super wild thrilling ride so hold on tight, I guarantee you will be on the edge of your seat. IM is superbly written with an intense plot line, great characters and is detailed and moves forward with astonishing speed taking you places you wish only existed in the movies. Reed delivers a novel that is engaging and thrilling while dealing with dark issues that reveals his true talent and a story that will stay with you long after reading the last page. While there were some typos in the book this should not deter you, this is a super entertaining and thrilling read and well worth overlooking a few typos.
A definite and astounding 5 stars! I must caution that the story is vivid in detail and gore and is not for the faint hearted.
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book review,
psychological thriller,
quality book reviews,
Rick R Reed