Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
by Linda Desimowich and Stacey Kannenberg
Cedar Valley Publishing
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready For First Grade! is a must for all parents with young children, I myself as both a mother and grandmother highly recommend this for your children. This book is a must and one that I have been searching for, it is packed with great information, it is beautifully illustrated and was created with style. Let’s Get Ready for First Grade! will capture your child’s attention as it is packed with fun activities and colorful illustrations making learning fun for all.This series will delight not only the children but parents as well, allowing you to take an active role in your child’s education even before they enter school, allowing children to make the transition with confidence with advancement in each grade level.

This book is wonderful and again I would like to stress is a MUST for all parents and grandparents looking for that perfect educational tool before sending our children off to the first day of school.

When my daughter was small I tried to find the perfect tools to help her before sending her off to school and so wish this series had been available, I will make sure to purchase each for each grade level to help to assure my grandson is ready and is confident before he starts each grade level beginning with kindergarten (see previous review of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten!). An additional plus for these books are that they are durable, they allow the children to write in them with a dry erase pen and wipe off with ease for future practice over and over again.

Again I would like to say these are GREAT and are a MUST and come highly recommended!!

I found both of these in this series to be invaluable tools for our children’s education and a MUST, I applaud the series.
Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten!
by Linda Desimowich and Stacey Kannenberg
Design: Dori Schmitz, Creative Direction
Illustrations: Joyce Bable-Worth, Two Bit Productions Inc
Printing Consultant: Tracey Jackson, Jackson Marketing and Printing Services, LLC
Web Design: Dave Pethan, Two Bit Productions Inc.
Consulting: Judy Bridges, Redbird Studio
Visual Consulting: Julie Thorn
Cedar Valley Publishing

For and by parents, kids and teachers.

Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten! is a must for all parents with young children, I myself as both a mother and grandmother highly recommend this for your children. This book is a must and one that I have been searching for, it is packed with great information, it is beautifully illustrated and was created with style.

“Parents wrote Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten! with approval from a panel of teachers and curriculum specialists as a solution to “no child left behind.” The book is 32 pages and is a dry-erase book for children ages 2 to 6. This book is great for parents and grandparents by allowing them to take an active role in their children’s education even before they enter school, allowing children to make the transition with confidence.

Most parents want to be involved with their children’s education but are unsure of what to do, kindergarten is not like it was when we were younger, now kindergarten has a much more advanced curriculum requiring parents to work with their children before beginning school. This book is wonderful and again I would like to stress is a MUST for all parents and grandparents looking for that perfect educational tool before sending our children off to the first day of school.

When my daughter was small I tried to find the perfect tools to help her before sending her off to school and so wish this series had been available, I will make sure to purchase each for each grade level to help to assure my grandson is ready and is confident before he starts each grade level beginning with kindergarten. An additional plus for these books are that they are durable, they allow the children to write in them with a dry erase pen and wipe off with ease for future practice over and over again.

Again I would like to say these are GREAT and are a MUST and come highly recommended!!

I found both of these in this series to be invaluable tools for our children’s education and a MUST, I applaud the series.
Quality Book Reviews

The Paper Mirror
by Dorien Grey
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Paper Mirror is the 10th installment in the Dick Hardesty mystery series. A gay mystery series that is so much more, this is a fantastic read and left me wishing I had began the series from the first one. This is the first in the series I have read and the author is talented, writing with such impact, his characters are so finely developed and believable, and the story is one that will have you hooked from the very first page.

The Paper Mirror is a quick read that is highly entertaining, Dick Hardesty is trying to adjust to fatherhood. Dorien Grey has penned a clever mystery one in which you as the reader can become actively involved in trying to solve along with Dick Hardesty. I would suggest starting with the first in the series and reading in order, I will be sure to pick up the other 9 in this series.

I highly recommend this to all who love a good mystery.

Be sure to click on the link below to watch the video for “The Paper Mirror” by Dorien Grey.

Quality Book Reviews

Tallulah Falls
by Christine Fletcher
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Tallulah Falls is a story of Tallulah Addy and her friend Maeve and the touching story of finding out who you are. Tallulah is left behind when Maeve takes off for Florida, but soon gets a message of urgency from her friend wanting her to bring her notebooks. Tallulah being the friend she is she immediately sets out to fine Maeve. Tallulah asks Derek to drive her and everything begins to fall apart, he leaves her with her bag which thankfully still holds the notebooks she is delivering to Maeve. She is broke and left on the side of the road, she is arrested and tries calling Maeve who is not answering.

The local veterinarian’s office is her link to help, she has a job at the clinic, she is staying with Ruth the receptionist and has found a romantic spark with Kyle who also works there; all of this coming from her bringing an injured dog in.

Tallulah Falls is beautifully written and I can find no faults with this wonderful story. The story is engaging, entertaining, and a true spectacular read.

I absolutely have fallen in love with this story, and have added a great new author to my favorite’s list, I look forward to many more by Christine Fletcher. It has been a honor and a delight reading and reviewing such an excellent story, thank you Christine and please keep them coming.
Quality Book Reviews

Hollywood Car Wash
by Lori Culwell
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Hollywood Car Wash is based on real stories however is a work of fiction. Lori has written a quick read that is entertaining with great humor, I found myself laughing out loud while reading this one.

Hollywood Car Wash is the first in the series and is a novel about a young actress Amy Spencer. Amy is starring in a TV pilot and to retain her part she must lose twenty pounds, lighten her hair making it blonder, new teeth and find her a super star boyfriend. She learns to retain her celebrity status she must lose herself.

The back cover of the book states “Inspired by true events, this shockingly accurate novel about the ins and outs of the hoolywood game will leave the reader wondering - who is Star?”

The next in the series is titled “Reality Check” and honestly I cannot wait for the release. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews about Hollywood Car Wash and can say without a doubt it is entertaining and a great read packed with humor.

I would like to thank Lori for sending me a review copy it has been a great pleasure reading and reviewing Hollywood Car Wash.
Quality Book Reviews

The Screaming Room
by Thomas O’Callaghan
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Dave Driscoll is the commander of the New York Police Departments homicide division, he buried his daughter six years ago after she was killed by a drunk driver, his wife had been at home in a coma, now he has buried his wife. Getting back to his life after trying to put the ghosts from his past aside there is a serial killer lose that is killing tourists in New York City, there are very bizarre killings as the victims are scalped and then posed at tourist sites, including a Ferris wheel, Brooklyn Bridge, and the zoo. And to add to all the twist and turns, the serial killer is not one person but a set of twins, identical twins that are of different genders, they are brother and sister.

If you are looking for a fast paced thriller with edge of your seat impact then look no further, this was a thrilling and engaging read. The author has done an excellent job and has done his research, once you start you will not be able to put this thriller down. An excellent thrilling and engaging read from the first page to the last. A must read and an astounding 5 stars!
Quality Book Reviews

by Rebeccca Scott
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Ghostwalk is Rebecca Scott’s debut novel which combines both fact and fiction. Ghostwalk is set in present day and the 17th century Cambridge, that mixes a beautiful love story as well as a historical investigation.

The story begins as Elizabeth Vogelsang is found floating in the river just below her garden with a prisim in her hand. Elizabeth was a Cambridge University historian, she was working on a manuscript involving Isaac Newton and the 17th century alchemists. Elizabeth’s son recruits Lydia to move into Elizabeth’s place and into finishing his mothers book. You will be amazed at the events that follow and at the discoveries Lydia makes along the way.

If you are looking for a thriller with romance, mystery, murder, and the supernatural this one will surely fill your desires. I found this one to be beautifully written and it is apparent that the author has done her research. I found that with Ghostwalk you must read with comprehension as it may leave you reading back through again to assure nothing was missed the first time.
Quality Book Reviews

The Secret of the Lonely Grave
by Albert A. Bell, Jr.
Ingalls Publishing Group, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-932158-79-3

Reviewed by Terry South for Armchairs

The Secret of the Lonely Grave is a fictional story with a real setting. The setting is in southern Kentucky just a few miles from the Tennessee state line, in the area known as the Land Between the Lakes. The authors wife’s family has a houseboat on Lake Barkley and enjoyed fishing, Albert was not fond of fishing so decided to take a walk instead. He found himself walking through a cemetery near the lake and discovered a tombstone off by itself and began to wonder why it is off from the others. That is where the author begins his story of the Lonely Grave.

As the story begins to unfold Kendra and Steve are beginning their summer vacation, they pass by the cemetery on their way to the bus and the lonely grave just outside the cemetery. They begin to notice someone has been leaving flowers on the lonely grave. Kendra wants to become a detective one day and Steve wants to become a novelist so they join together to solve the mystery of the lonely grave and who has been placing the flowers. On their quest they discover that a college history professor has been the one leaving the flowers; soon the three begin to work together to solve the mystery by delving into research to discover the truth that lies behind the lonely grave of the young girl named Amanda.

The Secret of the Lonely Grave is a gripping, powerful and genuine page turner. The story has both a pacing and engaging plot all while the author incorporates history, family values and friendships formed. Bell’s characters are well defined and believable. If looking for an interesting and entertaining read look no further this one is sure to please and I give it 4.5 stars.
Quality Book Reviews

Feels Like Family
by Sherryl Woods
MIRA Books
ISBN: 0-7783-2436-2
Reviewed by Terry South for Cata Romance

Helen Decatur has always set goals for her life and has achieved those goals; she made her way through law school, opened her own practice and is a highly respected matrimonial attorney in South Carolina. Now at the age of 42 she feels she has let life pass her by, now she wants a family and a child of her own. Helen has set back and watched her two best friends living with their husbands and their children and she desires the same life, but having seen so many devastating divorces she has held off till now.

Helen’s friend Dana Sue owns a restaurant and Erik is the pastry chef, Erik has a pain filled past and has avoided romance. There is a chemistry between Helen and Erik even amongst their arguments you can feel their romantic attraction. Will Helen and Erik unite? Or will Erik’s painful past prevent him from discovering a romantic spark with Helen? Will Helen have the family she so desires?

Feels Like Family is the third in the trilogy of The Sweet Magnolias. You will find some wonderful and interesting characters, love, romance, suspense and sexual tensions making this one difficult to put down. The plot is intriguing and fast paced, and this one is a fascinating and highly enjoyable read all while looking at some very realistic issues which face women in their late 30’s and early 40’s everyday.

I highly recommend picking up the trilogy of The Sweet Magnolias, I have not had the pleasure of reading the other two in this trilogy but found this one to be highly enjoyable and I will be picking up the first two in this trilogy.

5 stars
Quality Book Reviews

by Rick R Reed
ISBN: 1932300791

Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

IM is a psychological thriller about an online community where a predator has been and continues the hunt for his next victim. Gay men looking for partners via the world wide web are now being hunted by this predator and he has a way of seducing his prey that no man can refuse. What does IM stand for exactly? is it instant messaging or instant murder? Maybe it mean inevitable murder once you have been seduced by this mad man.

Ed Comparetto is a gay Chicago police officer and is called in to investigate the first discovered murder. Timothy Bright is the victims friend and the one who reported the murder and Ed takes his statement only to later receive a call from his boss, and when this happens especially in the early morning hours and his day off can only spell trouble. Ed is fired for falsifying statements, seems as if Timothy Bright has been dead for two years and could not have been the one listed on Ed’s report as having gave a statement. now Ed must prove his innocence in order to get his job back, but will he be able to solve this before it is all to late? Now that Ed is off the case and off the job is the predator free to continue his lust of murdering gay men?

IM is one intense and super wild thrilling ride so hold on tight, I guarantee you will be on the edge of your seat. IM is superbly written with an intense plot line, great characters and is detailed and moves forward with astonishing speed taking you places you wish only existed in the movies. Reed delivers a novel that is engaging and thrilling while dealing with dark issues that reveals his true talent and a story that will stay with you long after reading the last page. While there were some typos in the book this should not deter you, this is a super entertaining and thrilling read and well worth overlooking a few typos.

A definite and astounding 5 stars! I must caution that the story is vivid in detail and gore and is not for the faint hearted.
Quality Book Reviews

June Bug A Murder-by-Month Mystery
by Jess Lourey

ISBN-10: 0738709123
Midnight Ink

The setting is Battle Lake, Minnesota and Mira James is trying to recover from a break up. Mira works as a reporter for a local paper and is trying to solve the mystery of missing diamonds, what she uncovers leads to a bigger mystery than ever expected. They have planted fake diamonds at the bottom of the lake but Mira discovers is a fake body, what is going on? Is this all a hoax or is there something sinister happening?

June Bug is the second in the series. Jess Lourey has penned a very well written series and a good murder mystery with a touch of humor. Her characters are well developed and believable. If you are looking for a highly enjoyable read look no further, this one is great and is highly recommended. I am heading out to get the first of the Murder-by-Month Mystery entitled “May Day”.

Jess Lourey is a full-time college instructor of writing and sociology, a single mother of an eight and five-year-old, and a mystery writer with three books coming out within a 13-month period, to be such a busy woman she sure has a way with writing highly enjoyable and entertaining mysteries.
Quality Book Reviews

The Kabbalist
by Dov Silverman
ISBN: 1425709001
Xlibris Corp.

The Kabbalist is published in 5 different languages. This novel deals with good and evil, rewards and punishment and life after death. The Kabbalist is a Rabbi and both his son and his sons fiancee have died and now the Rabbi’s faith is being challenged. This is a compelling story full of intrigue and is engaging and is a heart felt story. The story deals with the long historical controversy between the different religions.

Dov Silverman conveys moral concepts, hopes, dreams and ideas and is very well written. It is fast paced and you will find it very difficult to put down once you have started. Uniquely written where the stories outcome rests with the reader. Dov Silverman resides in Israel with his wife.

A highly recommended read which holds a very different twist in the end. This is a definite 5 stars and a must.
Quality Book Reviews
Cimmerian City
by Rae Lindley

The setting is Arizona, and Raven Blackheart is a Crow Indian from California, Raven is a college student that is haunted by bad dreams and strange feelings. Raven lost her mother when she was five and went to live with her father and sister, now it seems once again her life is being upset by the current happenings. She is missing class, turning in assignments late and just is not measuring up to what she could and should be. Thank goodness for Jack, Jack is Raven’s boyfriend and roommate and he believes in her and supports her but lately does not understand her short fuse.

As the many events unfold within the pages we are confronted with Tech Corporation, a pharmaceutical company, a drug Delanin with some very uncanny side effects. This is one story that has a high impact punch, a great plot that is fast paced and so intriguing that you cannot put this one down. Within the covers of this book you will discover a variety of crisis which is in the minds of everyone including global warming, war, violence, pollution, medical, pharmaceuticals and economical issues.

Cimmerian City is an intense read with many layers and issues to uncover throughout this story. I look forward to her future releases in this trilogy. This is another highly recommended read and a definite 5 stars.
Quality Book Reviews

Chasing Eden
by S.L. Linnea

Chasing Eden begins with the war in Iraq. The story leads us up to the days just before the war when some ancient artifacts have been stolen from the museum. Army Chaplain Jamie Richards has the ability to read the ancient cuneiforms but as the story moves forward Jamie finds herself a target.

Jamie has been reunited with an old friend Adara Dunbar only later to lose her friend forever. Adara is killed during an ambush and the assassin has a message for Jamie. What is the message? Will Jamie survive or will she be taken out by the assassin?

Chasing Eden is fast paced, with good characters which are believable as well as interesting. The story contains a steady flow of action and suspense which makes this an engaging read. The author has done her research and the backdrop involving Iraq is portrayed with vivid detail.
Quality Book Reviews
Acacia, Book One: The War With The Mein
by David Anthony Durham
ISBN-13: 978-0-385-50606-9
A Division of Random House, Inc.
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

The Acacian has ruled the Known World for twenty-one generations. Leodan Arkan is the ruler of the Known World and a widower; he has lived his life in the shadows of his ancestors and is bound by their actions. Now the Mein, the race that was exiled and vanquished to the frozen northern reaches of the empire plan to take over the Acacian empire.

Hanish Mein leads his people and launches surprise attacks across the Acacian empire. Hanish Mein will lead his people out of exile and back into Acacia. Leodan is assassinated and his four children must be separated and are scattered to different corners of the empire. The Mein triumph and win over acacia. Now Leodan’s children Aliver the former heir to the throne, Corinn the eldest daughter, Mena the youngest sister and Dariel the youngest brother begin their quest to avenge their fathers’ death. They will unite and rise to free Acacia and restore the Acacian empire.

Durham weaves an intricate web among all of his characters. The story has a steady flow of action and suspense which makes this an engaging and exciting read. He has an immense writing skill of incorporating a fantasy that is in a sense historical and a political thriller. Acacia is the first in this new trilogy.

Durham has penned an incredibly engaging story, if you crave an imaginatively crafted story that will grab you and not let go, this is it. I anxiously await the next in this new trilogy.
Quality Book Reviews

Rear View Mirror
by Cindy Callinsky
ISBN: 978-1-4116-9595-5
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Rear View Mirror is an autobiography by Cindy Callinsky and is a moving and great inspirational account of her life. The story is told in the first person and the author has a way of drawing you into the accounts of her life. The story tells one of love lost, the loss of her mother, and of heartbreak. You will travel cross country and abroad with Cindy. She describes the story contained within the pages as her perception and her reality. In the very beginning she states the following: “This is based on a true story; however, “my” perception is “my” reality. How I have portrayed my story is how I perceived it after having absorbed things with my senses and then processed them through my way of thinking. Other parties involved may have perceived things differently due to a different thought process”.

I will have to commend and applaud Cindy on not only her ability to tell her story but in being able to share her life experiences and emotional roller coaster type life. Of course we all experience a roller coaster type life full of ups and downs, loss of love, loss of family and friends, but Cindy has chose to share hers with us. I found myself teary eyed in one moment and smiling the next. Thank you Cindy for sharing your story with me it was a pleasure to read and provide a review.

The book contains some off colored language that may not be suitable for all readers.
Quality Book Reviews

A Wild and Woolly Night
by Lorraine Lynch Geiger
Illustrated by Sharon Vargo
The RGU Group
Children’s book, Fiction, 32 pages, $15.95
ISBN-10: 1891795252
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

“A Wild and Woolly Night” is a children’s picture book for children ages 4 to 12. A hardback edition with a cover that is beautifully illustrated with a boy in his bed surrounded by a variety of animals.

This is an enchanting story of a little boy named Phillip, he is different from most children as he is eager to go to bed and sleep. But Phillip’s bed time is a great adventure filled with different animals with each change of his bed covers.

Every page leads to a different adventure and discovery of a new animal: “he found a purple spread with tiny polliwogs. But when he climbed back into bed They all grew into frogs.” The pages are beautifully illustrated and the stories rhyme which will delight both you and your child. The art work is superb and will ignite the imaginations of all. A highly recommended children’s book that can be enjoyed by the entire family and will make the perfect bed time story.

Lorraine Lynch Geiger is the mother of five, grandmother to fifteen and resides in Sebring, Florida, and spends part of the year where she was born in Newfoundland, Canada. She has published a young adult novel “Trouble at the Blueberry Patch”, and is a prize winning poet.

Sharon Vargo is the illustrator of many children’s books. She is also the author and illustrator of “Senor Felipe’s Alphabet Adventure”. She has also had her acrylic paintings appear in magazines, murals and limited edition prints. She currently resides in Carmel, Indiana with her husband, and their pet frog named Romeo, they have four grown sons. She graduated from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.
Quality Book Reviews

Stone Pizza
by Susan K. Mitchell
Illustrated by McNevin Hayes
The RGU Group
Children’s book, fiction, 29 pages, $15.95
ISBN-10: 1-891795-26-0
Reviewed by Terry South for Bookpleasures

“Stone Pizza” is a children’s picture book for children ages 4 to 12. A hardback book with a cover that is beautifully illustrated with a coyote on the cover wearing a purple bandanna with yellow polka-dots, a pair of green sunglasses and holding a stone pizza.

A delightful tale involving the critters of the desert where food is hard to find. Coyote finds no hospitality when he wanders into that stretch of the highway in the desert. The story of Stone Pizza focuses on team work and sharing. The book is engaging and a pure delight and offers a wonderful cast of characters.

The pages are filled with bold and vibrant imaginative illustrations, the art work is superb to ignite the child’s imagination. I highly recommend this children’s book, both you and your children will enjoy reading this story together time and time again all while delivering a great lesson of sharing and team work.

Susan K. Mitchell is a full time preschool teacher with two young daughters of her own. Stone Pizza is her first published children’s picture book. She has written for several children’s magazines, she also writes monthly for Style & Living magazine. She has also written non-fiction books, and a biography of actor Will Smith. She currently resides in Texas with her husband and their two daughters.

McNevin Hayes currently resides in Pittsford, New York with his wife and their son. His artwork has appeared in magazines, murals and galleries.
Quality Book Reviews

Is There a Hole in the Boat? Tales of Travel in Panama without a car
by Darrin DuFord
Booklocker.com, Inc. (June 16, 2006) , 196 pages, $13.95
ISBN-13: 978-1591139973
Reviewed by Terry South for Quality Book Reviews

Is There a Hole in the Boat? is the authors account of traveling through Panama using the same transportation methods that are used by the locals. Those methods of transportation include bus, by foot, riding in the back of trucks through paved and unpaved roads. The author introduces us to Panama’s history, ecology and the indigenous people of the country as well.

This book is about his experiences and discoveries made while traveling Panama on three seperate occassions. DuFord mixes with the locals, samples everything, the food, drink and experiences their cultures, observes the peoples everyday lives and participates in their traditional celebrations.

Darrin DuFord writes his accounts with vivid descriptive detail, making this a engaging read. This is not to be confused with your normal travel guide of rating places to stay and eat. DuFord takes us on a journey into the lives and cultures of the Panama people and makes this both an enjoyable as well as an educational reading selection.